In courts: Rift between judges, SRC over car allowances to be settled

Wheels of Justice: Court cases lined up for today.

In Summary
  • The petition before the court was filed by Peter Gachuiri Mwangi who seeks to reinstate the taxable car allowances for High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court judges.
  • Judges through the Kenya Judges Welfare Association supported the petition claiming that the car grant is a necessary benefit to help them in their duties and personal use.
In courts today
In courts today
Image: The Star

A three-judge bench is expected to render its decision in a case challenging the Salaries and Remuneration Commission's decision to scrap car allowances for judges.

The petition before the court was filed by Peter Gachuiri Mwangi who seeks to reinstate the taxable car allowances for High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court judges, which they have enjoyed since 2011 but which the SRC scrapped in 2021.

Judges through the Kenya Judges Welfare Association supported the petition claiming that the car grant is a necessary benefit to help them in their duties and personal use.

The association's president, Justice Kossy Bor, in her affidavit, swore that it is a facility judges have benefitted from since 2008 and that the decision by SRC to scrap it amounts to discrimination given that other state officers are enjoying the same.

"It is discriminatory against judges given that SRC has recognized existing car grants for members of the legislature, executive, independent offices and commission while purporting to cancel benefits due to judges," Bor said

But the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) said judges are already enjoying comfortable lifestyles by being entitled to official transport which is chauffeur-driven as part of their benefits package and the car grant would amount to double compensation from taxpayers' money.

Judgement due for grading of members of the CPSBs

Separately, the case involving the grading of members of the County Public Service Boards (CPSBs) is due for judgment today.

Employment and Labour Relations judge Byrum Ongaya is set to deliver the judgement today.

CPSB members are seeking to be graded and paid remuneration at the same level as the Public Service Commission, as they claim to do the same job.

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