Epra enhances media engagement for information dissemination

DG Kiptoo emphasized the significance of accurate and credible reporting

In Summary

•In a bid to fortify its relationship with the press and ensure accurate communication with stakeholders he emphasized the significance of accurate and credible reporting in the field of energy regulation.

•In the electricity bills for example prices have come down a high of Ksh 6.9 to Ksh 1.9,"affirmed Kiptoo.

EPRA director general David Kiptoo during a media roundtable on May 23,2024 in Nairobi
EPRA director general David Kiptoo during a media roundtable on May 23,2024 in Nairobi

The Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (Epra) organised a pivotal media roundtable session on May 23, 2024, with the aim of serving as a platform for constructive dialogue between Epra officials and esteemed members of the media fraternity.

In a bid to fortify its relationship with the press and ensure accurate communication with stakeholders, he emphasized the significance of accurate and credible reporting in the field of energy regulation.

Under the stewardship of Epra's Director General, Daniel Kiptoo, the event fostered a collaborative atmosphere between regulators and journalists.

"We aim to cultivate a symbiotic relationship with the media, recognising their pivotal role as conduits of information to the public," stated Kiptoo,

The discourse delved into energy governance, electricity value chain regulation, petroleum and LPG oversight.

Director of Economic Regulations, Strategy and Performance John Mutua, provided insights into the complexities of tariff setting and electricity pricing, elucidating the regulatory frameworks governing these pivotal aspects of the energy sector.

In December 2022, Kenya's energy system losses increased to 23.49%, up from 22.43% in 2021 and 25.21% in 2020. Despite this rise, Kenya's losses are comparatively lower than the average for Africa, which ranges from 20% to 40%.

System losses represent the percentage difference between total net generation and energy sales, mainly due to factors like illegal connections or transmission issues.

Mutua said a new electric mobility tariff was being introduced to accommodate the E-mobility in the country.

"We have come up with other tariffs which are electric mobility tariffs special economic zone tariffs and industrial tariffs, "Mutua added

According to the Director of Petroleum and Gas Edward Kinyua, the oil discovered around Lake Turkana is under evaluation since the government has yet to approve Tullow's buyout of Total Energies and Africa Oil Corporation.

"We have had an expression of interest by the two holders to exit the project, but the government is still evaluating in accordance with the law and the production sharing contract," Kinyua said.

The roundtable discussions served as a catalyst for synergy, enabling stakeholders to exchange perspectives and forge a collective understanding of the challenges and opportunities inherent in energy regulation.

With a surge in hydropower production and consistent declines in fuel costs, alongside a steady national currency, households and industrial facilities are witnessing reduced electricity expenses.

DG Kiptoo said there has been a consecutive reduction in prices of petroleum and electricity for the last four months since the dollar started declining

"For the last four months we have seen a both for electricity and petroleum we have seen a reduction in the prices of the two. In the electricity bills for example prices have come down a high of Sh6.9 to Sh1.9," Kiptoo said.

Participants lauded Epra's commitment to open dialogue, acknowledging the pivotal role of the media in fostering informed public discourse.

"Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in our collective journey towards a more transparent and accountable energy sector," affirmed Kiptoo, signalling a paradigm shift towards inclusive governance and robust information dissemination.

In an era defined by rapid technological advancements and dynamic regulatory landscapes, the media roundtable stands as a testament to Epra's unwavering commitment to transparency, accountability, and stakeholder engagement in shaping the future of the energy sector.

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