State cooperation joins Ngong Hills Community in tree planting exercise

Participants received guidance on proper tree planting techniques and the maintenance of trees.

In Summary
  • Sahal said PCFs has identified environmental sustainability as a key accelerator to achieve overall strategic objectives.

  • "We are thrilled by the participation and support we received from the Ngong Hills community for this initiative," Sahal said. 

PCF Board of Trustee Deberious Sikuku, Managing Trustee of PCF Mohammed Sahal, and PCF Board of Trustee Ben Kajwang plant a tree during the PCF tree planting exercise held in Ngong Forest on May 17, 2024.
PCF Board of Trustee Deberious Sikuku, Managing Trustee of PCF Mohammed Sahal, and PCF Board of Trustee Ben Kajwang plant a tree during the PCF tree planting exercise held in Ngong Forest on May 17, 2024.

A state cooperation under the National Treasury and Economic Planning conducted a tree planting exercise in collaboration with the Ngong Hills community to anchor its commitment to environmental sustainability. 

Policyholders Compensation Fund (PCF) also undertook the exercise to further the Presidential Directive on the National Tree Growing and Restoration Campaign.

The tree planting exercise was spearheaded by PCF  Managing Trustee Mohammed Sahal in collaboration with the Ngong Hills community and was joined by the PCF staff members.

Sahal said PCFs have identified environmental sustainability as a key accelerator to achieve overall strategic objectives.

"We are thrilled by the participation and support we received from the Ngong Hills community for this initiative," Sahal said. 

Sahal said witnessing the community come together in dedication showcased a shared commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability.

"Their passion and energy underscored the importance of collaborative efforts in addressing environmental challenges and fostering a greener, more sustainable future for generations to come,” he said. 

During the exercise, participants received guidance on proper tree planting techniques and the maintenance of trees.

Through hands-on involvement, they gained valuable insights into the crucial role trees play in mitigating climate change, enhancing biodiversity, and improving the quality of the air.

PCF Board Chair representative Ben Kajwang said the collaboration with the Ngong Hills community underscored the cooperation's dedication to making a positive impact beyond its core mandate. 

“Together, we planted the seeds for a greener, healthier future for generations to come,” Kajwang said. 

He said the success of the tree planting initiative reflects the cooperation’s broader initiatives that benefit the communities it serves.

President William Ruto launched this national tree-planting campaign in December 2022, emphasizing the importance of planting trees in urban and rural areas and promoting reforestation, agroforestry, and afforestation.

The goal of the campaign is to grow 15 billion trees and raise the nation’s forest and tree cover percentage from 12 per cent to 30 per cent by 2032, to combat the devastating effects of climate change in Kenya. 

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