Father who defiled daughter gets 15 years in jail

In mitigation, the accused told the court that he was framed by his daughter

In Summary

•The minor told the court that her father defiled her in their single room when her mother had gone to work in Nairobi.

•Further, the court heard from a Clinical Officer who examined her and found that she was 23 weeks pregnant

Image: FILE

A 48-year-old man has been sentenced to serve 15 years in prison for defiling his 17-year-old daughter.

The man appeared before a court in Makueni on Tuesday where he was found guilty of a defilement charge.

The court heard that the accused committed the act in May and June 2023 in Makueni.

He was arrested in October 2023 and arraigned in court after thorough investigations had been completed.

In mitigation, the accused told the court that he was framed by his daughter.

But while narrating her ordeal, the minor told the court that her father defiled her in their single room when her mother had gone to work in Nairobi.

“My father defiled me when my siblings were asleep and when my mother had gone to work in Nairobi,” the minor said.

“What I have given to this court is true and I have no intention of framing my father,” she added.

The girl’s school Principal noticed her strange behavior and on examining her, she was found the girl to be pregnant.

Further, the court heard from a Clinical Officer who examined her and found that she was 23 weeks pregnant.

The court further heard that the girl has since given birth to a baby girl in February 2024.

“This court has found that the prosecution had proven the case beyond reasonable doubt and I hand the accused 15 years in prison to serve as a deterrent sentence,” the judge said while giving his ruling on Tuesday.

The accused has 14 days to appeal against the sentence if dissatisfied.

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