MP Barasa: Even with term limit, Kenya Kwanza would rule for 50 years

The Kimilili MP says there is a plan to ensure continuity after President Ruto leaves office in 2032

In Summary
  • Pokot South MP David Pkosing had said there would be a need to amend the constitution to do away with term limits.
  • Devki’s Chairman, Narendra Raval said President Ruto should rule Kenya for at least 25 years, praying that God have him 100 years of life.
Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa.
Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa.
Image: FILE

Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa has weighed in on the raging debate over the push to remove the cap on presidential term limits.

The United Democratic Alliance (UDA) MP said Kenya Kwanza would rule for at least 50 years without removing the presidential term limit.

Barasa differed with leaders pushing for the removal of the constitutional term limit insisting that even without that, the ruling alliance can rule for at least half a century.

"The only thing that we would want for continuity is that we would want the Kenya Kwanza government to rule at least for the next 50 years,'' Barasa said in a morning interview on K24 TV.

The MP explained that his position that Kenya Kwanza would rule for at least 50 years is not meant to mean that the presidential term cap of 10 years would be scrapped.

"We can do so and achieve that purpose by not necessarily removing the cap on the term limit,'' he said.

Barasa said the continuity of the Kenya Kwanza government would be achieved by making sure that President William Ruto's successor would be produced by the ruling alliance.

"We will make sure that once President Ruto has completed his 10-year constitutional term limit then whoever will come will pick it up from the progress that William Ruto would have made at that time,'' he said.

Barasa said Kenya Kwanza will play in the league of Chama Cha Mapinduzi of Tanzania and ANC of South Africa by ensuring continuity after Ruto leaves.

The two parties are some that have ruled for decades in Africa long after their founders left power.

The MP was reacting to a push to remove the cap on presidential term limits to allow President Ruto to rule for eternity.

Pokot South Member of Parliament, David Pkosing, had last week ignited debate on the matter after he said there was a plan to remove the presidential term limit.

He said this in relation to asking the national government to take over some hospitals in his constituency that are run down and no longer offering adequate services since Caucasian foreigners left the hospitals some years back.

“…your Excellency, if you take over that one, even God will help you with that and you will live (longer). And I think it won’t just be until 25 years. Let us change the Constitution, kwani iko nini? (loosely translated as ‘what can anyone do about/stop it). Praise the Lord,” PKosing said.

He spoke in West Pokot during an event to launch a cement manufacturing factory attended by the President.

During the ceremony, Devki’s Chairman, Narendra Raval told the audience that President Ruto should rule Kenya for at least 25 years, praying that God gave him 100 years of life.

“Our President is here and I am happy. I was worried about the weather but he did his best and came here even with vehicles. He loves us so much. He loves this country so much- especially myself, I have no words to say to him. God give him 100 years of life. I wish that we had this President for at least 25 years… He will change this country. I don’t want to say much, I don’t want to take much of his time because he has got a lot of other commitments,” said Raval.

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