DP to governors: Allocate funds to mitigate El Nino effects

He said more than 19 counties in ASAL and non-ASAL areas have so far been adversely affected.

In Summary
  • He said as a government they are putting all the necessary resources to ensure the safety, security and comfort of the people and their property.

  • His statement came as EACC warned governors against any attempt to embezzle funds meant for the purpose.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua when he chaired a meeting at his Harambee Annex office on November 10, 2023.
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua when he chaired a meeting at his Harambee Annex office on November 10, 2023.
Image: DPCS

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has urged counties to allocate funds to mitigate the effects of El Nino in the country.

Gachagua who spoke after chairing a multi-agency team from various ministries on the status of the response also appealed for support from development partners and private sector.

"I would like to call upon humanitarian organisations, counties, our development partners, other stakeholders and communities to continue working as a team to prevent escalation of the humanitarian situation," he said.

He said as a government they are putting all the necessary resources to ensure the safety, security and comfort of the people and their property.

His statement came as EACC warned governors against any attempt to embezzle funds meant for the purpose.

In a circular dated September 29, the agency's CEO Twalib Mbarak advised the county bosses including the national government Ministries, Departments and Agencies to comply with the aforementioned law in the procurements and expenditures.

He said the Commission had received reports that there is a disregard of the law in the initiation and implementation of some El Nino mitigation measures.

"Accounting officers will be held personally liable for any loss, unauthorized expenditure, or misuse of public funds," he said.

Outlining the measures being put in place to reduce its negative impact, Gachagua said they are working with the development partners, counties and other key agencies in the distribution of food and non-food items to affected families.

Image: DPCS

He said more than 19 counties in ASAL and non-ASAL areas have so far been adversely affected.

“Sections of roads have been cut off in counties such as Wajir, Isiolo, Mandera, Marsabit, Tana River and Garissa, among others. This has reduced access via land,” he said.

Several families, he added, have been displaced in Northern Kenya and downstream in areas like TanaRiver with efforts to document the missing persons, livestock lost and crops destroyed ongoing.

Through the multi-agency approach, the DP noted that the Kenya Defence Forces has deployed its aircraft for evacuation of the marooned families to safe grounds. 

KDF, he added, is currently running an operation centre at its headquarters to monitor the situation as the national police service continues to provide security response.

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