Court nullifies election of ODM's Abdikadir Hussein as Lagdera MP

The court has since ordered fresh elections in the constituency.

In Summary
  • The petition filed by UDA’s Abdiqani Zeitun 
  • When he was declared the winner, Hussein said he saw the hand of God in his victory.
Abdikadir Hussein, an elder from the Awliyahan community speaking at the function
Abdikadir Hussein, an elder from the Awliyahan community speaking at the function

High Court has this morning nullified the election of ODM's Lagdera MP Abdikadir Hussein following a petition filed by UDA’s Abdiqani Zeitun. 

The court has since ordered fresh elections in the constituency. 

In February, Court ordered a recount of the Constituency's votes. 

The recount excise was carried out at Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Warehouse at Nairobi’s Industrial Area

In the August general election, Abdikadir garnered  5,939 votes beating his close competitor Zeitun who managed to get 4,863. 

When he was declared the winner, Hussein said he saw the hand of God in his victory.

"Clans plays a role in the politics of the region but constituents elected me despite coming from a small sub clan. This is a big statement in itself. I don't have enough words to thank them," he said. 


Hussein said top on his list of priorities is to tackle issues of insecurity, brought about by border conflicts with the neighboring Isiolo county and water scarcity.

“The perennial border conflicts with our neighbors from Isiolo is something that has gone on for far too long. The end result has been hundreds of innocent lives lost, property worth millions destroyed and animals stolen,” he said.

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