
MCAs used as guns for hire in theft of county cash

Lobby group turns to a nightmare for top officials in state corporations

by Allan Kisia

News13 June 2024 - 02:01

In Summary

  • • Governor under fire for refusing to buy coffins to "buried" victims.
  • •  Many wondering where a woman philanthropist, who has been equipping learning institutions in Mt Kenya, has gone
Who's doing what to whom, why, when, where and how

A group of five MCAs in Eastern region are reportedly being used as guns for hire by officials behind the theft of county funds. The ward reps are allegedly paid to discredit leaders who raise alarm over wanton looting in the county. They damage their reputation in social forums, among them, church functions, funerals and fundraiser meetings. The group is also reportedly used by the governor to settle political scores. They have tirelessly been defending the governor over widespread cases of alleged corruption and ineptitude.


A first-term governor is in the eye of the storm after he visited the scene of recent flooding tragedy to condole with the relatives and reportedly said the county would not pay for the coffins. As if to add salt to injury, the county boss allegedly said the county would pay for postmortem, angering residents because they had already paid the fees. In the neighbouring county, victims of a similar incident received total support from the county.


A civil society organisation has turned to be a nightmare for top officials in state corporations. The organisation has been filing cases in courts, which it later withdraws after money exchanges hands. The entity is said to file court cases to block the appointment of top parastatal officials or for the removal of those with issues of integrity as it allegedly asks for huge bribes to drop the cases. The most targeted group are CEOs appointed during the last administration.


Many are wondering where a woman politician-cum-philanthropist, who has been equipping learning institutions in Mt Kenya, has gone. She has left the institutions in shock after it emerged she has purportedly been using fraudulently obtained money. Days after being smoked out with a criminal case, she allegedly fired all her staff and disappeared from the county. She is missing in action amid claims the issue may be escalated to other levels. The woman has been a role model in the area and the revelations have bewildered many.

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