Queries raised over ODM leaders in Ruto US tour

Since 2022 elections, ODM has severally discouraged its members from close dalliance with the President’s Kenya Kwanza

In Summary
  • Wandayi, Wanga , Madzayo and Wanga are in Ruto's US entourage.
  • Since 2022 elections, ODM has severally discouraged its members from close dalliance with President William Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza.
President William Ruto (centre), National Assembly Minority Whip Opiyo Wandayi (left) and Majority Leader Kimani Ichung'wah after meeting with Congressional Black Caucus on Wednesday, May 22, 2024.
President William Ruto (centre), National Assembly Minority Whip Opiyo Wandayi (left) and Majority Leader Kimani Ichung'wah after meeting with Congressional Black Caucus on Wednesday, May 22, 2024.

The presence of some of the opposition leaders in President William Ruto’s US tour has triggered storm in ODM even as Azimio moves to quell the disquiet.

National Assembly Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi his Senate counterpart Steward Madzayo, Governors Gladys Wanga (Homa Bay) and Wavinya Ndeti (Machakos) were among opposition leaders who are in the President’s entourage.

The trip, some opposition members noted, is advancing the ruling Kenya Kwanza agenda and has nothing to do with the opposition's interest.

Since the 2022 elections, ODM has taken disciplinary action against its leaders hobnobbing with President Ruto whom they insist "stole" their election.

About six MPs from Nyanza are facing expulsion from ODM.

Early this month, the Azimio slapped two Nairobi MCAs with the show cause letters after attending a meeting with  Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua.

The meeting at Gachagua’s Karen residence was to deliberate on Nairobi Rivers action plan.

The two were Kileleshwa MCA Robert Alai and his Utawala counterpart Patrick Karaani.

“In open defiance and disregard of the said communication you proudly chose to attend and even went ahead to give speech on how you are ready to work with Kenya Kwanza to advance their policies,” the show cause letter authored by Majority Whip Moses Ogeto reads.

“You are hereby asked to do a written explanation of your conduct and provide us with valid cause why disciplinary action should not be taken against you.”

This came months after five of opposition MPs were forced to move to court to overturn a decision to expel them from the party after they visited the President at State House.

They were Elisha Odhiambo (Gem), Caroli Omondi (Suba South), Gideon Ochanda (Bondo), Phelix Odiwuor (Lang’ata) and Kisumu Senator Tom Ojienda.

Raila had accused the MPs of betrayal after they visited State House a number of times to meet the President despite ODM's objection.

Yesterday,  Alai demanded that the Azimio comes clear on its engagements with the Ruto’s administration.

The vocal leader wondered why the opposition interest in a government-sponsored trip.

“When you are seeing Minority leader in the National Assembly claiming that he has been invited by US Presidency, how can US presidency invite Minority leader during a state visit?” Alai posed.

“It therefore means that now we are working with the President, ODM needs to give clarity on how we can engage with the government.”

“Members deserve to know if this is a new direction others can take.”

ODM national chairman John Mbadi however restated that the party has not vacated its stand on engaging the current regime.

“Any action that would demonstrate that one is supporting the interest of Kenya Kwanza, ODM is against it. Anything promoting the cause of Kenya Kwanza and the current regime is not admissible,” Mbadi told the Star on phone.

“Any complaints that will be raised, will be dealt with appropriately. My office has the responsibility of enforcing discipline.”

Migori Senator Eddy Oketch who petitioned the party to take action against the lawmakers who visited State House declined to comment on US trip.

“I have no comment,” Oketch told the Star.

Mbadi who is also a nominated MP added that the party will not have an issue if the said leaders were invited on the basis of the offices they hold.

“If they were not invited directly then it becomes problematic. If they were invited in their capacity then there is no problem,” he said.

Azimio coalition on Wednesday defended its members in the trip explaining the three travelled on invitation of the US government.

"All Azimio leaders accompanying the President were invited by the US government and have Raila and the coalition's permission to join the President on this mission, in line with established democratic traditions and the wider interest of the Kenyan nation, that Azimio stands for," said Raila Odinga's spokesperson Dennis  Onyango.

Ex-Raila's aide Sailas Jakakimba who has since shifted his allegiance to UDA, said Wandayi should not attempt to vilify colleague ODM MPs who have chosen to work with the head of state.

"You cannot have your cake and eat it, or only make your association with the President acceptable while branding the rest as ‘rebellious tendencies’ demanding of Show-Cause Letters," Jakakimba said.


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