US investment in digital space will transform lives in Kenya - Ruto

“No partnership is as valuable as one that is anchored on technology,” he said.

In Summary
  • President Ruto lauded the U.S. for putting more resources into the digital space.
  • He said the resources will not only transform lives in Kenya but also the entire African continent.

President William Ruto has said the investment the United States has put into the digital space will not only transform lives in Kenya but also the entire African continent. Subscribe for more videos:

US President Joe Biden and President William Ruto during the technology roundtable on Wednesday, May 22 2024.
US President Joe Biden and President William Ruto during the technology roundtable on Wednesday, May 22 2024.

President William Ruto has said the investment the United States has put into the digital space will not only transform lives in Kenya but also the entire African continent.

Speaking on Wednesday during a roundtable on technology at the White House in Washington, D.C, President Ruto lauded the U.S. for putting more resources into the digital space.

The meeting also involved talks on how Kenya as a country can grow in terms of digital jobs, research and development.

"Kenya is a young tech country. No partnership is as valuable as one that is anchored on technology,” Ruto said.

"Our young population is talented and innovative. American technology that is cutting edge and investors that are hungry for opportunity in Kenya and the US is a perfect match for this moment," he added.

President Joe Biden during the conference added that they are going to prioritize the same.

"Vice President Harris is already building a new public-private partnership to increase investments in innovation," Biden added

Later, President Ruto met the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Mike Johnson and engaged members of the Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, at the U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.

He reiterated Kenya-US cooperation and expressed hope for stronger bonds and partnerships with the U.S. in resolving conflicts and tackling insecurity, especially in the Horn of Africa.

He also held talks with the U.S. Senators led by Majority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer and the Minority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell.

The President was recognised as an Honorary Member of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC).

The Head of State acknowledged the vital role the Congressional Black Caucus continues to play in advancing social justice, human rights and economic development across the globe.

He implored Congress to take the lead in reconfiguring the global financial architecture so that power is not in the hands of the few.

“A bold, robust and targeted approach will free Africa of the debt burden and transform the world,” he said.

At Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, President Ruto paid his respects to the U.S. fallen heroes.

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