ODM's cost of living anthem has been defeated – Malala

He said economy has drastically improved evidenced by decreasing prices of essential goods.

In Summary
  • Malala said in the face of the lack of a political narrative, ODM is now focused on interfering with the internal affairs of UDA.
  • He said the strengthening of the Shilling against the Dollar further reinforces the progress the government has made in improving the economic status of the country.
United Democratic Alliance Party Secretary General Cleophas Malala addressing the media at UDA headquarters on October 23, 2023.
United Democratic Alliance Party Secretary General Cleophas Malala addressing the media at UDA headquarters on October 23, 2023.
Image: FILE

UDA secretary general Cleophas Malala has taken a swipe at the ODM party saying it has run short of agenda following the government's move to stabilise the economy.

In a statement on Thursday, Malala said the cost of living narrative ODM heavily relied on in critiquing the Kenya Kwanza government no longer holds since prices of basic commodities have drastically dropped.

“Their anthem of high cost of living has been defeated as recent developments indicate a significant improvement in the economic landscape. The decreasing prices of essential commodities such as maize flour and the reduction of fuel cost underscore the positive strides made by the current Kenya Kwanza administration,” Malala said.

He said the strengthening of the Shilling against the Dollar further reinforces the progress the government has made towards improving the economic status of the country.

Malala said in the face of a lack of a political narrative, ODM is now focused on interfering with the internal affairs of UDA by casting aspersions on appointments to its leadership.

ODM on Wednesday protested UDA’s move to appoint Kenya Revenue Authority board chair Anthony Mwaura to head its National Elections Board, and Kenya Power chairperson Joy Midivo to the Internal Dispute Resolution Committee.

The Raila Odinga-led party resolved during a NEC meeting to push the two to drop the UDA offer or pressure them into resigning saying their appointment contravenes the Ethics and Integrity Act since they are public officers.

Malala claimed this is a ploy by the Orange party to deflect attention from its problems.

He said Raila’s nomination for the post of African Union Commission chair has undoubtedly sparked internal wrangles in ODM over his successor.

“Rather than addressing these issues head-on, they have chosen to engage in baseless accusations against our party,” Malala said.

He defended Mwaura and Midivo’s appointment to UDA saying it is legally binding since the duo are not holders of public offices.

“We are guided by judicial precedence and determinations that have found and held that chairpersons of state corporations are not public officers within the definition of Article 260 of the Constitution,” he said.

Malala added that the requirements for one to be a chairperson of a state corporation is that one must not be a public officer and are not remunerated as employees of the institutions that they chair.

“The accusations of ODM are therefore unfounded and benighted. We urge the ODM party to prioritise its internal affairs and uphold the democratic values it claims to champion.”

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