Kisii MCAs sign motion notice to impeach Deputy Governor Robert Monda

"You cannot be given responsibility as a deputy governor then you don't take your work seriously."

In Summary
  • Already 51 of the 71 MCAs have appended their signatures signaling their support to sack the embattled Deputy County boss.
  • Ichuni MCA Wycliff Siocha who filed the motion notice did not immediately give the grounds for moving to impeach the Deputy County boss.
Kisii Deputy Governor Robert Monda.
Kisii Deputy Governor Robert Monda.

A Kisii Ward Rep Tuesday filed an impeachment motion to kick out Deputy Governor Robert Monda.

Already 51 of the 71 MCAs have appended their signatures signaling their support to sack the embattled Deputy County boss.

Ichuni MCA Wycliff Siocha who filed the motion notice did not immediately give the grounds for moving to impeach the Deputy County boss.

He, however, accused him of flouting the code of conduct and abscondment of duty.

"I will not speak much to preempt what is there in the planned motion but take it that it has already been accepted into the order paper, stated Siocha.

Callen Magara, a nominee MCA, explained that dereliction of duty by Monda forms the solid ground on which the impeachment is built.

"You cannot be given responsibility as a deputy governor and then you're not taking your work seriously and so we have started this process," stated Magara who read the statement.

She said all due process would be followed if the allegations were substantiated.

"Serious allegations against him have been made but ours is to go through them but we shall ensure fairness," she said.

The assembly shall give the Deputy Governor time to defend himself before any action is done, she stated.

"This impeachment is not a plot in isolation but a move by the assembly to improve service delivery in the County," stated Magara.

She said more other departments shall be targeted including chief officers and county executives.

Monda, she said, appeared to have abandoned his post thus failing to give his office the needed political value to the electorate

Monda and Arati were voted as a pair to office with their relationship falling apart a year later.

Ichuni MCA Wycliffe Siocha at a past function. He filed a notice of impeachment motion to kick out Kisii Deputy Governor Robert Monda.
Ichuni MCA Wycliffe Siocha at a past function. He filed a notice of impeachment motion to kick out Kisii Deputy Governor Robert Monda.

"The allegations are serious but we want to tell the public that we are equal to the task. As the assembly, we are going to ensure that proper work is done," Magara told reporters outside the assembly precincts.

Monda quickly trashed the motion citing a witchhunt by his boss when he spoke to the Star.

He accused Arati of sponsoring the plot to impeach him.

"I have not seen the motion myself but I suspect it has something to do with the Governor," Monda told the Star by phone Tuesday afternoon.

Monda', s relationship with his boss has been deteriorating since he hosted South Mugirango MP Sylvanus Osoro, Senator Richard Onyonka and Woman Rep Donya in his home for a 'Sabbath lunch''.

The leaders constitute the cabal of accusing Arati of lethargy.

On Tuesday, however, Monda said the confrontation with his boss was about delays in starting meaningful development projects.

"This is what opened a wound in our relationship adding that Arati had been lukewarm to his calls to repair the relationship with the staff," stated Monda.

"We have had issues with him on so many other things including the dillydallying in allocating funds to various critical functions and how he should deal with staff."

He dismissed calls to resign from office on account of the looming impeachment.

"Why should I resign from a government that we formed together? I will not do that. I am only agitating that we mend our ways as County leaders and begin to serve our people," the Deputy County boss stated.

An aide to Governor Arati aide denied the Deputy County boss's accusations.

"Monda is talking much about staff yet there had been no single protest from them in response to the same.

"He should stop hiding behind his own shadow to peddle a narrative that he is being hunted when for all practical purposes he is the one who has backed off his boss, "the aide told the Star declining identity.

He claimed the decision by the Governor to turn down Monda's quest to get contracts for projects within the County had sparked the ongoing push and pull between them.

" Let him (Monda) come into the open to explain the nature of the circumstances that have led to the said cold war. They have nothing to do with County development but the appetite to enrich himself and his kin through county projects which if granted can infringe the law," the aide.

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