Arati clashes with CS Machogu, county commissioner in Kisii burial

"Mimi siwezi kuwa mwendawazimu kulipa hawa watu wote kuja kwenye matanga."

In Summary
  • The Education CS was perturbed by some youth who had booed him as he read a eulogy from the president during the funeral of Kisii National Polytechnic Principal Daniel Nyariki.
  • The CS was at the podium speaking when Governor Arati sauntered in, momentarily disrupting speeches during the funeral.
Kisii Governor Simba Arati at the funeral of former Kisii Polytechnic Principal Daniel Nyariki (IMAGE BY MAGATI OBEBO)
Kisii Governor Simba Arati at the funeral of former Kisii Polytechnic Principal Daniel Nyariki (IMAGE BY MAGATI OBEBO)

 Education CS Ezekiel Machogu and Kisii Governor Simba Arati Friday clashed at burial marking another new low in the efforts by regional leaders to bring an end to violent skirmishes in funerals in the region.

The Education CS was perturbed by some youth who had booed him as he read a eulogy from the president during the funeral of Kisii National Polytechnic Principal Daniel Nyariki.

The CS was at the podium speaking when Governor Arati sauntered in, momentarily disrupting speeches during the funeral.

He claimed the youth were hired and ferried into boo leaders including him.

Wading into the issue of violent skirmishes at burials in the region, Machogu fired a warning saying the community risks losing out if it allows its leaders to ferry goons to burials.

He fingered Arati accusing him of stirring up violence in burials.

He said it augers badly for the African culture to ferry youth to heckle other leaders in burials.

"As a people, especially here in Gusii we attend burials to mourn the departed and console the bereaved, not to ferry youth to come, fight and boo leaders when speaking," Machogu stated before walking out together with other leaders in a huff.

Arati, later fought back describing Machogu as unpopular in the region owing to the votes he had garnered during the governorship poll.

He further challenged him to another gubernatorial contest come 2027 vowing to defeat him again.

"He (Machogu) should thank President William Ruto for salvaging him from the ruins, I had given him a resounding defeat.

Nyaribari Chache Mp Zaheer Jhanda arriving at the funeral of Kisii National Polytechnic Principal Daniel Nyariki on Friday (IMAGE BY MAGATI OBEBO)
Nyaribari Chache Mp Zaheer Jhanda arriving at the funeral of Kisii National Polytechnic Principal Daniel Nyariki on Friday (IMAGE BY MAGATI OBEBO)

" He should not stand here lecturing me," Arati said minutes after the CS had left.

Principal Nyariki had passed on a fortnight ago as he underwent treatment in Nairobi.

Arati turned to the new County Commissioner Joseph Kibet and told him off for reading him a riot act over spiraling violence in Kisii.

"Wewe umepewa kazi fanya, hakuna kuleta vitisho. Wewe ukitaka kura enda kwenu utafute kura uko," Arati said.

"Mimi siwezi kuwa mwendawazimu kulipa hawa watu wote kuja kwenye matanga, na kama ningekuwa na uwezo basi mwogope."

Early Arati had sauntered into the tent causing a stir and sparking jeers from some youth.

The jeers momentarily drowned the president's eulogy that was being read by Machogu.

The rowdy youth who appeared strategically situated in one part of the tent shouted down some leaders.

"We are not going to allow youth to be bribed with little cash to come and cause anarchy in burials. It is shameful, uncultured and barbaric," Machogu said.

County Commissioner Joseph Kibet who was present took Governor Arati head-on warning that he would spare no pains in ensuring violence that had been witnessed in the region was tamed.

"I say this and I start with you Governor that I did not come here on holiday but to work and bring order. I promise you that we shall act on any form of lawlessness," he stated.

Later, while speaking at another burial in Gesusu, CS Machogu warned against the culture of showing disrespect to the dead.

Education CS Ezekiel Machogu speaking in Gesusu during the burial of a kin on Friday (IMAGE BY MAGATI OBEBO)
Education CS Ezekiel Machogu speaking in Gesusu during the burial of a kin on Friday (IMAGE BY MAGATI OBEBO)
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