Mr Seed apologises to wife Nimo over remarks on polygamy

Mr Seed said he is committed to being more thoughtful in his expressions.

In Summary
  • Nimo said her husband responded to her by telling her to watch the whole podcast.

  • According to Nimo, Mr Seed said that a particular part of the podcast was picked so that it could have a large viewership and trend.

Mr Seed and wife Nimo Gachuiri.
Mr Seed and wife Nimo Gachuiri.
Image: FILE

Kenyan Musician Moses Tarus Omondi popularly known as Mr Seed has apologised to his wife Nimo Gachuiri over hius sentiments on polygamy.

The musician said on a podcast recently that men are polygamous by nature.

His statement did not sit well with his wife Nimo as she took to her Instagram stories saying the remarks annoyed her.

Nimo said Mr Seed's comment on the matter made her look stupid before the public.

"So I saw the snippet of the podcast done by Mr Seed him saying whatever he was saying. I didn't even finish watching it. So I turned to him and asked, hizi sasa ni nini unasema surely. Next thing I said is that people must think I'm stupid," she said.

According to Nimo, Mr Seed said that a particular part of the podcast was picked so that it could have a large viewership and trend.

"Sisi wanaume tunakuanga watu wako na akili sana. Naeza kaa na wewe in a relationship for like three years nakuangalia, already nishajua you don't have what I want," Mr Seed said in the podcast.

(We men are very intelligent. I can be in a relationship with you for three years just watching you but I already know you don't have what I want)

"Then siku moja unaamka unapata nigga ashafanya wedding. Unaeza kaa na uone msichana useme huyu ni wife. Maybe hata ni best friend wako. Men are created to be polygamous."

(The one day you wake up and find I already wed someone else. You can think of a girl as a wife (but) maybe she is a best friend)

On Wednesday, Mr Seed was apologetic saying in future, he will be more thoughtful in his expressions.

"Dear Nimo, I apologise sincerely for any unintended hurt my recent comments on marriage and relationships may have caused," he said.

"I realise now that my words did not align with the respect I hold for you. Your feelings matter deeply to me, and I'm committed to being more thoughtful in my expressions moving forward," he said.

"I value our relationship dearly and regret any discomfort my remarks may have brought to you or any other person. With love."

Nimo said her husband responded to her by telling her to watch the whole podcast.

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