Three things Ruto must fix to get his agenda right - Ahmednasir

City lawyer emphasised that Ruto needs to dust off his visionary manifesto.

In Summary

•Ahmednasir expressed his concern that there were more critical issues other than stabilising the economy making the Kenya Kwanza administration unpopular.

•To get it right, Ahmednasir noted that President Ruto needs to address fixing Kenya's governance deficit, stopping new corruption in his government.

President William Ruto during the official opening of the Youth Connekt Africa summit held in Nairobi on December 9, 2023
President William Ruto during the official opening of the Youth Connekt Africa summit held in Nairobi on December 9, 2023
Image: PCS

Lawyer Ahmednasir Abdullahi has highlighted three major issues President William Ruto needs to tackle with urgency.

In a statement on Monday, Ahmednasir expressed his concern that there were more critical issues other than stabilising the economy which are now making the Ruto-led Kenya Kwanza administration unpopular.

"The palpable unpopularity of Ruto's regime isn't because fuel is expensive or we have periodic power blackouts, or unga is expensive," he explained.

"Ruto's government faces strong headwinds because the reforms and new governance initiatives UDA promised Kenyans have been thrown out of the window."

To get it right, Ahmednasir noted that President Ruto needs to address fixing Kenya's governance deficit, stopping new corruption in his government and addressing former President Uhuru Kenyatta's era alleged graft, and consequential national imperatives.

"Broken law and order, corrupt judiciary, thieving governors, rags to rich state corporations employees and 'dead' parliament are some of the areas where the Head of State should look into If he wants to fix Kenya's governance deficit," he said.

Concerning the above, Ahmednasir emphasised that President Ruto needs to dust off his visionary manifesto, reboot his reform agenda and address the three issues he had highlighted.

"The same can't wait for tomorrow. The three issues need to be addressed today," he said.

In November, Ahmednasir had also listed areas that he claimed President Ruto failed to address in the last 14 months.

Giving his opinion of Ruto's first State of the Nation address, Ahmednassir said that it was well received and delivered forcefully, with great articulation and persuasion.

He said that the challenges Ruto's government faced in the past year were enormous and he was glad the President and his team addressed head-on the economic woes that bedevilled the country.

However, the lawyer said corruption was among the issues the head of State has not managed to tackle.

"But we have one area the President has failed and hasn't addressed even for a minute in the past 13 months...fighting corruption," Ahmednasir said.

The statement also highlighted that other areas that he felt had not been addressed by the President were entrenching good governance in government and reforming critical institutions i.e. judiciary and police.

The lawyer noted that the issues above were 'crying' for the President's attention and ought to be addressed urgently

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