CS Kindiki announces new measures to tame Sondu clashes

Local security heads from both Kisumu and Kericho counties are set to be transferred.

In Summary
  • CS Kindiki stated that the government has deployed a contingent of specialist security personnel along the border.
  • Governors from four Nyanza counties have urged the government to urgently send a contingent of GSU officers to the Sondu to restore peace and security.
Interior cabinet secretary Kithure Kindiki answers questions when he appeared before the National cohesion and equal opportunity committee in parliament on September 29, 2023
Interior cabinet secretary Kithure Kindiki answers questions when he appeared before the National cohesion and equal opportunity committee in parliament on September 29, 2023
Image: Handout

Cabinet Secretary for the Interior and National Administration Kithure Kindiki on Thursday announced new measures following the Sondu border clashes.

In a statement, Kindiki stated that local security heads from both Kisumu and Kericho counties will be transferred following the clashes.

"Lives have been lost, property destroyed and civil order grossly undermined during the past two days.

"It has been decided to transfer all local security heads on both sides of the border and other security and public officers whose want of effectiveness, impartiality and competence is deemed to have resulted in the success of the criminals," Kindiki said.

As of Wednesday, seven people already lost their lives in the clashes that started on that morning.

There are claims that the clash began after one person was killed when they were caught trying to steal cattle from the Kisumu side.

Announcing more measures to contain the escalation of violent crime in Sondu Town and its environs, CS Kindiki stated that the government has deployed a contingent of specialist security personnel along the border.

The CS highlighted revealed that the special deployment will be supervised jointly by the Rift Valley and Nyanza regional security teams with firm instructions to ensure immediate resumption of normalcy.

Kindiki noted that additional measures to contain the situation and suppress further crime may be announced tomorrow after a need assessment and review of the efficacy of the measures put in place tonight( Thursday).

Earlier in the day, Governors from four Nyanza counties urged the government to urgently send a contingent of GSU officers to the Sondu to restore peace and security.

Kisumu Anyang Nyong’o, Homa Bay's Gladys Wanga, Migori's Ochillo Ayako and James Orengo(Saiya) in a joint statement on Thursday urged the Interior Ministry to act fast to quell the tension in the Kisumu-Kericho border town.

The county chiefs said the people of Nyakach subcounty and those around the Sondu market have been under attack for two days from alleged attackers from Kericho.

On the other side, Azimio la Umoja Coalition wants the government to support families affected by violence in Sondu in Kisumu County.

In a statement, the Opposition said the violence has had a huge impact on the livelihoods and economic activities in the area.

Among the actions, the coalition wants the government to foot the bills of those who have been admitted to various hospitals after sustaining injuries.

Azimio termed the clashes as senseless murders and violence prevailing in Sondu adding that the violence is now taking a political dimension and breeding mistrust between residents.

“Consequently, we are asking the government to provide support to the families that have been affected by this violence,” Azimio said.

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