1,448 Paybills shut ahead of Tuesday's deadline

The move is in line with President Ruto's directive.

In Summary

• The move is in line with a presidential directive issued on June 30 for the adoption of a single payment platform within 90 days.

• While issuing the directive for the transition on June 30, Ruto said there were over 1,000 Paybills "some of which we don't have sight of".

President William Ruto speaking at State House during the signing performance contracts of Cabinet Secretaries on August 1, 2023
President William Ruto speaking at State House during the signing performance contracts of Cabinet Secretaries on August 1, 2023
Image: PCS

Government ministries, departments and agencies have so far discontinued the use of 1,448 Playbills in favour of the government's 222222.

In a statement on Monday, Immigration PS Julius Bitok said the move is in line with a presidential directive issued on June 30 for the adoption of a single payment platform within 90 days.

"Following the directive, 1,448 have been discontinued so far. Government ministries, departments and agencies that are yet to comply are directed to do so without further delay," the PS said.

The update comes just days after the Secretary to the Cabinet Mercy Wanjau directed accounting officers across all ministries, State departments and agencies to terminate all non-designated payment platforms to the government's single payment platform by Tuesday, August 8, 2023.

President William Ruto had in previous circulars set August 10, 2023 as the deadline.

Wanjau said accounting officers should file a compliance status report by 5pm on August 8, 2023.

The report should indicate the Paybill number they are using other than 222222, indicate whether it's deactivated or not, give reasons for non-deactivation if still active and propose an action plan and timeline.

"It is further notified that accounting officers will be held personally responsible for the full discharge and compliance of the directives herein," Wanjau said.

While issuing the directive for the transition on June 30, Ruto said there were over 1,000 Paybills "some of which we don't have sight of".

He said for accountability purposes, "They must now be closed". 

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