Raila tables eight demands over 'punitive' Finance Bill 2023

He said Kenya is rife for tax reforms but this is not the way to go.

In Summary
  • Speaking on Tuesday, Raila said the 'punitive' bill does not spur economic growth or generate wealth.
  • He insisted that it traces and kills opportunities.
Azimio leader Raila Odinga
Azimio leader Raila Odinga
Image: Screengrab

Azimio leader Raila Odinga has spelt out eight demands to the Kenya Kwanza government, over the proposed Finance Bill, 2023.

Speaking on Tuesday, Raila said the 'punitive' bill does not spur economic growth or generate wealth.

He insisted that it traces and kills opportunities.

"The bill unfairly punishes a diminishing middle class... The most tangible result of this bill will be the incorporation of more Kenyans into the poverty class," Raila said.

He said Kenya is rife for tax reforms but this is not the way to go.

During his address, Raila made eight demands from the Kenya Kwanza government. 

They include;

1. A major surgery of the Finance Bill in the interest of the suffering people of Kenya.

2. Instead of merely levying more taxes on Kenyans, Kenya Kwanza must address the economy's structural shortcomings. For instance, there is a reason why Kenya Revenue Authority is unable to meet its targets. Kenya Kwanza must figure out and address the problem.

3. The cash flow problem in the country is due in part to the weakening of the Kenyan currency. The weakness is not just against the US dollar. Our currency fell significantly against the Tanzanian shilling by nearly 10 per cent since last September. This suggests domestic factors are causing part of the decline of the Kenyan shilling. Kenya Kwanza must get to the bottom of this problem and stabilize the shilling. 

4. Kenya Kwanza must strengthen and not undermine critical institutions, such as those tasked with fighting corruption, collecting revenue and investigating and prosecuting crimes, as it is presently doing.

5. Kenya Kwanza must incorporate all productive citizens in this nation-building project. Currently, the regime has alienated a huge section of the population who sees themselves as outsiders and strangers in their own country.

6. Kenya Kwanza must rationalize public expenditure. It must live within its means, instead of spending money it does not have on programs and projects the country does not need.

7. Kenya Kwanza must address the public concern that even as taxes rise on everything and for everyone. There is no clear plan to spend new tax revenues on welfare programs for the poor. Instead, those taxes will only stock inflation and hurt the purchasing power of poor families.

8. We appeal to all Kenyans to participate actively in the process of validation and express themselves loudly and clearly so that they cannot take any more burden. We equally encourage people to lobby our elected leaders to stand with the people on this matter. Punda Amechoka!

9. We make it clear that if this bill is railroaded through Parliament, Kenya Kwanza must prepare that we will have no option but to mobilize citizens around the country to fight for themselves. We will have no option but to mobilize all social sectors and take all necessary political actions to stop this blow and burden. Punda Amechoka!

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