Kabando lauds Kalonzo for declining Ruto's offer

Kalonzo is said to have rejected an offer to join the government.

In Summary
  • In a statement on Monday, the former MP seemingly noted that Kalonzo's choice helped avert ethnic division. 
  • His remarks come days after Ruto revealed that he reached out to Kalonzo soon after he was declared the winner.
Former Mukurweini MP Kabando wa Kabando
Former Mukurweini MP Kabando wa Kabando

Former Mukurweini MP Kabando wa Kabando has lauded Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka for rejecting an offer to join the government. 

In a statement on Monday, the former MP seemingly noted that Kalonzo's choice helped avert ethnic division. 

"Kudos Kiongozi Kalonzo Musyoka for declining overtures by President William Ruto to defect from Raila Odinga's Azimio for ethnic balkanisation," he said.

His remarks come days after Ruto revealed that he reached out to Kalonzo soon after he was declared the winner.

He said he held a closed-door meeting with the leader and requested that he join his government but he declined.

"I looked for him, we sat down and he told me he wanted to remain in the Opposition. What am I supposed to do?" he asked while addressing congregants during interdenominational prayers in Machakos County on Sunday.

At the same time, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua said Ruto had set aside the Foreign Affairs docket for the Ukambani kingpin. 

"Kalonzo refused to cross over to our side, the President loves the people of Ukambani. Kalonzo said he wants to stay with Azimio," he said.

Kabando criticised Ruto saying he was desperate to muzzle the opposition, "KANU style."

"A strong oversight is important in a democracy. UDA needs a very serious opposition," he added. 

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