Times you should never drink alcohol

Alcohol consumption contributes to 3 million deaths each year globally

In Summary

• People drink alcohol for various reasons including relaxation, socializing, escaping problems among others.

•WHO states that overall, harmful use of alcohol is responsible for 5.1 percent of the global burden of disease.

Image: BBC
Sample of alcohol bottles in a liquor shop
Sample of alcohol bottles in a liquor shop

Alcohol consumption contributes to 3 million deaths each year globally as well as to the disabilities and poor health of millions of people, says the World Health Organization.

It also states that overall, harmful use of alcohol is responsible for 5.1 percent of the global burden of disease.


Despite the above, people continue to take the substance.

Alcohol may be consumed in beer, wine, and hard liquors like vodka, rum, gin, and whiskey.

In many of today’s societies, alcoholic beverages are a routine part of the social landscape for many in the population.

People drink alcohol for various reasons including relaxation, socializing, escaping problems among others.

However, as much as cravings need to be satisfied, there are eight times you should never drink alcohol.

1. Before bed

Unless you are not looking forward to enjoying some sound sleep, you should avoid alcohol before bed.

Alcohol enhances the brain's levels of a chemical called adenosine, which can interfere with your sleep patterns.

2. When trying to lose weight

Alcohol is just one of the reasons why you never seem to shed fat, especially around your belly. It is high in calories and may interfere with weight loss.

Heavy or binge drinking leads to weight gain by making you crave unhealthy foods, slowing your metabolism, and wrecking your sleep and digestion.

3. When trying to conceive

While some women are lucky enough to conceive effortlessly, others find it really difficult.

According to fertility family,  women especially those who are used to heavy drinking can cause changes in ovulation, cycle regulation and ovarian reserve.

Alcohol intake can also prevent proper implantation in the uterus, resulting in an increased rate of early loss of the pregnancy or resorption — even before a woman realises she is pregnant. 

4. When breastfeeding

For the first six months, the baby entirely depends on breast milk.

Breastfeeding and alcohol don't mix well. There's no level of alcohol in breast milk that's considered safe for a baby to drink.

Research suggests that breastfed babies who are exposed to one drink a day might have impaired motor development and that alcohol can cause changes in sleep patterns.

5. When on a flight

The air at 36,000 feet isn’t breathable and this is why airplanes are pressurized.

Even still, the cabin air has far less oxygen than you would breathe if you were on the ground and it can still be metabolized faster and exacerbate the effects of altitude sickness.

Though some studies have shown booze doesn't have much effect on your Blood Alcohol Content ( BAC),

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