Luo Nyanza leaders are those who joined UDA, says Kidero

Says they would cooperate with Kenya Kwanza government to bring development

In Summary

• He noted that as Nyanza leaders, they will refuse to participate in Azimio protests saying previous demonstrations have left the Luo people at a disadvantage.

•The move comes a day after 28 leaders from Luo Nyanza on Monday met President William Ruto at State House, Nairobi.

Former Nairobi governor Evans Kidero at his office in Nairobi
Former Nairobi governor Evans Kidero at his office in Nairobi
Image: FILE

Former Nairobi governor Evans Kidero has shrugged off leaders from Luo Nyanza who are yet to officially join the UDA.

Kidero who spoke on Tuesday said only those present at the joint presser with the top leadership from the UDA were true leaders of the Nyanza region and they were the only ones who represented the real interests of their people.

“This is the leadership of Luo Nyanza, anybody who is not here is not a leader,” he said.

Kidero said he and other leaders who decamped to the party would cooperate with the Kenya Kwanza government to bring about development in the country.

"We are happy to be here and we will do the best we can with the leadership of the UDA party,” Kidero said.

“We are joining a party that cares about its people not a party like the one we’ve left that is only interested in chaos, is only interested in doing things for themselves but not for the people who elected them."

He noted that as Nyanza leaders, they will refuse to participate in Azimio protests saying previous demonstrations have left the Luo people at a disadvantage in terms of development.

“We’re saying no, we must be part of Kenya and we’re not going to participate in backward activities that do not improve our lives and do not bring any value to our people’s lives," he said.

The move comes a day after 28 leaders from Luo Nyanza on Monday met President William Ruto at State House, Nairobi.

The leaders, who included former governors, MPs, chairs of boards and former aspirants had been working with ICT Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owalo for the last six months and said they were opposed to ODM leader Raila Odinga's style of politics.

Among those present were former governors Evans Kidero (Nairobi), Jack Ranguma (Kisumu), Okoth Obado (Migori) and former Kisumu Senator Fred Outa.

Former MPs Nicholas Gumbo (Rarieda), Aloo Ogeka (Muhoroni), MP Daima Pollyins (Nyakach), their Rangwe counterpart Martin Ogindo and former nominated senator Rose Nyamunga.

Ex-police spokesman Charles Owino, former Migori MP John Pesa, his Kisumu Town West counterpart Ken Nyagudi and former Eala legislator Clarkson Karan were also present.

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