Kakamega to invest in Western tourism circuit

He said the forest can boost the county revenue if well conserved and developed

In Summary

• Savula said the county administration plans to fence Kakamega rain forest and the Malava and Navakholo forests to limit human activities that threaten their existence.

• Kakamega forest is famous for hosting more than 20 species of snakes, 400 varieties of butterflies and 380 species of birds.

Kakamega deputy governor Ayub Savula during the burial of Mzee Zacharia Mahiva at Mukhuyu village in Lugari constituency on Saturday, November 26.
TOURISM: Kakamega deputy governor Ayub Savula during the burial of Mzee Zacharia Mahiva at Mukhuyu village in Lugari constituency on Saturday, November 26.

The Kakamega government wants to market the county as a major tourist destination in the Western tourism circuit.

The county will secure its key tourism attraction points as a starting point.

Deputy governor Ayub Savula said the forests are home to rare species of birds, snakes and have the potential to contribute to the county revenue if well conserved and developed.

He said the county administration plans to fence Kakamega rain forest and the Malava and Navakholo forests to limit human activities that threaten their existence.

Kakamega forest is famous for hosting more than 20 species of snakes, 400 varieties of butterflies and 380 species of birds.

Some like the Blue Turaco, are only found in the forest.

The only equatorial rain forest in the country is also home to various medicinal herbs that have made the resource a centre for research by institutions and individual researchers.

Savula who is also the county trade and tourism executive nominee said proper development of the tourism sector will offer employment to the communities living around the forests ecosystem.

He said modern health facilities and other social amenity projects will be set up around the forest areas.

Savula said the move is a corporate social responsibility, to further cater for the needs of the community and tourists.

The Western tourism circuit also includes the Kakamega Crying Stone and the Maragoli and Ebusiekwe hills in Vihiga, where the famous Banyore rainmakers used to perform their rituals.

Also, the Banyore cultural center in Vihiga where elders from the Banyore community held prayers for the community.

Busia county is home to the Kakapel monument and cultural centre that attracts mountain climbers, bird watchers and has ancient drawings on stones and traditions implements. 

Other tourists attractions sites in Busia include Amukura hills and Isambo Beach.

A number of tourism attraction sites in Nyanza are also part of the Western tourism circuit. 

Savula said that development of the tourism attraction sites will create the much needed jobs for the youths and reduce crime.

Kakamega deputy governor Ayub Savula during the burial of Mzee Zacharia Mahiva at Mukhuyu village in Lugari constituency on Saturday, November 26.
JOB CREATION: Kakamega deputy governor Ayub Savula during the burial of Mzee Zacharia Mahiva at Mukhuyu village in Lugari constituency on Saturday, November 26.
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