Big war erupts in Kanu as top officials tussle over Eala slots

A disgruntled Salat called out his boss Gideon accusing him of running down the party

In Summary
  • Kanu was banking on ODM generosity to get one Eala slot.
  • Salat claimed the chairman has personalised the once vibrant party that it has lost its glory.
Kanu Chairman Gideon Moi.
Kanu Chairman Gideon Moi.
Image: File

A big war has erupted in Kanu as top leadership of the independence party engage in bitter exchange after missing out from the East Africa Legislative Assembly (EALA) race.

The war came to the surface on Thursday, a day after the party leader Gideon Moi and secretary general Nick Salat both missed out from the Azimio list of 12 that was submitted to Parliament to be voted for by the lawmakers.

The former Bomet East MP came out guns blazing a day after Azimio released a list in which Kanu nominees were missing, questioning the motive behind the move by the chairman to withdraw his name.

A disgruntled Salat called out his boss and former Baringo senator  Gideon, accusing him of running down the party.

In what is likely to escalate the nasty relations of the two bosom friends and torchbearers of the independence party, Salat claimed the chairman has personalised the once vibrant party that it has lost its glory.

“Just because he withdrew his name does it mean the party must go down with him?” he questioned, adding that the party is so personalised that if his interests are not aligned then it is the end.

He has, however, vowed to take him head on saying he is not going to allow the party to collapse due to mismanagement.

“We feel as true believers of this great party we should not allow things to go on like this and that we are going to make things work right,” he said.

This is the first time Salat has publicly taken Gideon head on since the two took over the control of the oldest political party.

Azimio has four slots shared among ODM (2), Jubilee (1) and Wiper (1) depending on the parties’ numerical strength in the House.

Micah Kigen and Gladwell Cheruiyot who are also key allies of Gideon unsuccessfully applied under Kanu.

Kanu had no slot according to the sharing formulae adopted by the coalition led by ODM boss Raila Odinga.

Both Gideon and Salat were banking on the goodwill of the Orange party to donate one slot to the independence party in the spirit of comradeship.

The duo have been lobbying the ODM leadership separately and silently, all hitting a snag on Wednesday when the outfit turned down the request and instead nominated six members for its two slots.

Gideon, when it became apparent that he was left out from the list, immediately issued a statement withdrawing his candidature, a statement many believe was more of face saving after missing out.

“Following initial application by Hon Gideon Moi and his nomination to the position of EALA member of Parliament, Hon Moi would like to thank Kanu, OKA and Azimio One Kenya Coalition for the opportunity and trust,” Kanu said in a statement signed by Secretary Political Affairs Fredrick Okango.

“However, we would like to notify the public that Hon Moi has since withdrawn his candidature to give the opportunity to the other candidates. He wishes them the best of luck in their endeavours.”

ODM nominated Raila’s daughter Winnie Odinga, businessman Suleiman Shahbal, former lawmakers Justus Kizito (Shinyalu), Mohamed Diriye (Wajir South), Timothy Bosire (Kitutu-Masaba) and former Turkana CEC Beatrice Askul.


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