President Ruto attends church service at AIC in Homa Bay

He is expected to preside over a fundraiser for the construction of the church.

In Summary

•The church presiding Rev Bernard Ondiek said they delayed the program after the new developments.

•Ondiek said a number of clerics from other churches, political leaders and residents will also attend the church service.

President William Ruto with clerics at Africa Inland Church in Homa Bay
President William Ruto with clerics at Africa Inland Church in Homa Bay

President William Ruto on Sunday attended a church service at Africa Inland Church in Homa Bay.

Normal prayer programmes had to be delayed after it was announced President Ruto would worship at the church.

The church leadership was notified of Ruto's attendance on Saturday evening.

He is expected to preside over a fundraiser for the construction of the church.

The church which normally conducts three services was forced to have a single service.

Ruth Wekaya, a church member, said they changed the programmes after receiving information that the president would come to the church.

"Adequate preparations had to be done because we were waiting for visitors to worship together," Wekaya said.

Until Saturday evening, Lake Basin Development Authority managing director Raymond Omollo was to represent the president in the funds drive before the President's program was changed.

Church presiding bishop Bernard Ondiek said they delayed the program after the State officials took over.

Rev Ondiek said a number of clerics from other churches, political leaders and residents will also attend the church service.

Former Kisumu Governor Jack Ranguma at Homa Bay Africa Inland Church where President William Ruto is attending church service.
Former Kisumu Governor Jack Ranguma at Homa Bay Africa Inland Church where President William Ruto is attending church service.

Politicians who accompanied the president were David Ochieng (Ugenya MP), CS nominee for Information Eliud Owalo, former governors Okoth Obado (Migori), Jack Ranguma (Kisumu), former MPs Ken Obura (Kisumu Central) and Martin Ogindo (Rangwe).

Bishop Abraham Odongo, chairman for Homa Bay Interfaith Council, also attended the service.

"We thank the president for having agreed to come and worship with us at the church today. Homa Bay people are ready to welcome him, " Ondiek said.

The church service started at around 10:05 am after president Ruto arrived.

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