Over 150 ANC officials quit Kenya Kwanza in Uasin Gishu, join Azimio

More than 30 grassroots UDA activists also defected to the Azimio.

In Summary

• Former MP for Eldoret South David Koros along with more than 30 grassroot UDA activists also defected to the Azimio side.

• Koros said Odinga would get many votes in the Rift Valley region which is the backyard of DP Ruto. 

Former Eldoret South MP David Koros speaking after being welcomed to Azimio by Dr Sally Kosgey and Elgeyo Marakwet governor Alex Tolgos.
Former Eldoret South MP David Koros speaking after being welcomed to Azimio by Dr Sally Kosgey and Elgeyo Marakwet governor Alex Tolgos.
Image: Mathews Ndanyi

Musalia Mudavadi’s ANC party suffered a political blow after more than 150 branch officials and members in the North Rift region defected to the Azimio movement.

They were led by the Chairman of the Uasin Gishu branch Saina Nechu.

Former MP for Eldoret South David Koros along with more than 30 grassroots UDA activists also defected to the Azimio side that is led by presidential candidate Raila Odinga.

The defectors were officially received at the Azimio Center in Eldoret by the movement’s lead chief campaigner in the region Sally Kosgey, Elgeyo Marakwet governor Alex Tolgos and ODM politician Kipkorir Menjo.

Kosgey who is a former Minister and Secretary to the Cabinet under the Moi regime said those who defected were individuals of high influence who would mobilize support to ensure Odinga wins in the August 9th polls.

“They have seen it quite early that the race for the presidency is as good as won by Raila Odinga and that is why they have decided to join the winning side”, said Dr Kosgey.

She expressed confidence that Odinga would form the next government after winning the polls.

Tolgos and Menjo too expressed confidence that many Kenyans were supporting the Azimio side to form the next government.

Saina said they had decided to abandon the ANC side accusing Mudavadi of playing selfish politics by joining the DP Ruto camp without proper consultation.

He said they were surprised by Mudavadi’s decision to join Ruto without involving party officials and members.

“As a party leader, Mudavadi should have involved all officials and members in reaching a decision to join Kenya Kwanza side”, said Saina.

He said since Mudavadi moved he had not taken any steps to explain to his party members why he made the decision.

“We have therefore concluded the best side to join is Azimio because we know Odinga has had the interests of this country in his heart for quite some time and he is the one who is fit to lead the country," said Saina.

Koros said Odinga would get many votes in the Rift Valley region which is perceived to be DP Ruto's backyard.

He said his experience in UDA was that its leaders are power-hungry individuals only interested in selfish benefits.

“We have worked with many of those in UDA and I can tell Kenyans that only Odinga is fit to take this country to a different level in development. After all, he is the one who fought for the democratic space we enjoy and he has the capacity to fight corruption”, said Koros.

The Raila campaign team in the region has set up the Azimio centre the region to coordinate campaigns for Odinga.

Tolgos said Odinga and his running mate Martha Karua would soon attend a major rally in Eldoret and other parts of the North Rift region.

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