ODM releases new nomination dates for Mombasa, Kilifi

Kilifi will hold her primaries on Friday, April 8 and Mombasa on Saturday, April 9.

In Summary

• The exercise was initially scheduled for April 4 and 5 respectively but was postponed to allow for consultations.

• The party postponed nominations in Trans Nzoia and Bungoma counties which had been scheduled for Friday, April 8 to finalize consultations.

ODM party leader Raila Odinga during the swearing in of NEC and NDC officials at Chungwa house, Nairobi on August 13 2020.
ODM party leader Raila Odinga during the swearing in of NEC and NDC officials at Chungwa house, Nairobi on August 13 2020.

The Orange Democratic Party has announced fresh dates for County Ward Representatives in Kilifi and Mombasa counties.

The exercise was initially scheduled for April 4 and 5 respectively but was postponed to allow for consultations.

The party’s National Elections Board (NEB) Chairperson Catherine Mumma while making the announcement on April 2 said new dates would be announced later.

In a statement on Wednesday, Mumma confirmed the new dates.

She said Kilifi will hold her primaries on Friday, April 8 while Mombasa will conduct the nominations on Saturday, April 9, 2022.

"Further, we are pleased to inform our members that the process of consensus building with respect to the position of governor, senator and woman representatives and members of parliament for the two counties is progressing well," Mumma said. 

She said a status update on the talks will be announced in due time once a consensus is reached. 

Further, Mumma said that the primaries for two wards in Turkana County would proceed as planned on Saturday, April 9.

However, she confirmed that the party has postponed nominations in Trans Nzoia and Bungoma counties which had been scheduled for Friday, April 8 to finalize consultations.

"The certificates for single and consensus candidates are being prepared and will be issued in an orderly manner," said the NEB chairperson.

She asked the affected aspirants to exercise patience as they finalize on the consultations and preparation of nomination certificates.  

Under the Political Parties Amendment Act, 2021, only ODM members certified by the Office of Registrar of Political Parties will be allowed to vote in the primaries.

Once the nominations are concluded, the party will use their internal mechanisms to hear disputes arising from the nominations before submitting the names of candidates to the IEBC for gazettement and pave the way for ballot printing.

The internal dispute resolution mechanism is provided for under the Elections Act.

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