Kanu vice chair enters Homa Bay Senate race

Says if elected, he will deal with corrupt officials and governor from day one

In Summary
  • Ojanga said he would deal with corrupt officials from day one and whoever is considering syphoning monies meant for development will face the law. c
  • Already, a group of IDM leaders has been circulating a lineup of their preferred candidates for the various elective posts in the county.
Homa Bay Senator Moses Kajwang'
Homa Bay Senator Moses Kajwang'

Kanu's first vice chairman Tom Ojanga has announced his bid for the Homa Bay Senate seat.

Ojanga, in a statement, said the people of Homa Bay need a leader who will not allow "unbridled corruption".

I am running on an anti-county theft platform with 40 MCA candidates to build a team capable of ending rampant corruption in Homa Bay,” he said. 

Ojanga said if elected, he will deal with corrupt officials and governor from day one and whoever is contemplating siphoning monies meant for development will face the consequences.

“My message to Homa Bay gubernatorial candidates is that they need to spend their own money in campaigns without touching the county coffers,” he added.

Ojanga is a former Raila Odinga confidant and the Orange Party International network coordinator.

Already, a group of ODM leaders has been circulating a lineup of their preferred candidates for county elective posts in the county.

Senator Moses Kajwang' is the only candidate listed for the Homa Bay Senate seat in ODM.

Ojanga said it is unacceptable for ODM to restrict the people's' choice.

“Kajwang' as a senator had the role of exercising oversight over revenue allocated to the county.  If the county government has failed, then it has failed because he (Kajwang') failed in his duty. Therefore he must go home with the current regime,” he said.

Ojanga has international business networks and experience, which he intends to use to spur development in Homa Bay.

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