
Raila accompanies Rosemary for eye treatment in India

The ODM leader is then expected to pay a visit to India's PM Narendra Modi.


News10 February 2022 - 09:48

In Summary

  • •Rosemary suffered a minor stroke, leading to her hospitalisation in South Africa in February 2017.
  • •The stroke affected her eyesight and forced her to withdraw from the Kibra parliamentary race. 
Rosemary Odinga at a past event.

ODM leader Raila Odinga has accompanied his daughter Rosemary for eye treatment at a hospital in India.

Rosemary suffered a minor stroke, leading to her hospitalisation in South Africa in February 2017.

The stroke affected her eyesight and forced her to withdraw from the Kibra parliamentary race.

Raila accompanied his daughter for the treatment of her eyesight.

The former prime minister had a grand reception when he landed in Kochi, Southwest India, on Monday. 

According to the Indian Express, the family first took her to South Africa, Israel and China before finally seeking treatment at Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye Hospital in India.

"The latest private visit is a follow-up check-up. The eye treatment centre has been practising ayurvedic eye care traditionally for nearly 300 years now," Indian Express reported.

Chief physician of Sreedhareeyam centre Narayanan Namboothiri said the family of Raila will be at the hospital for a couple of days as Rosemary undergoes various eye care procedures and treatments prescribed in the traditional ayurvedic system.

The ODM leader is then expected to pay a visit to India's PM Narendra Modi, where they will hold talks regarding the two countries.

After the visit, Raila will then return to Nairobi to pick up on his campaigns ahead of the August elections.

Raila's spokesperson Dennis Onyango said the former Prime Minister is also scheduled to attend the African Union's 35th Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The two-day event will take place from February 5 to 6.

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