Passaris now wants DCI, DPP to ban Sonko from social media

Sonko says that by his recordings, he isn't breaking any law, as it serves as evidence.

In Summary

• Sonko recently leaked videos implicating various individuals including Justice Said Chitembwe in alleged corrupt dealings, with one woman being exposed in a compromising situation.

• However, Sonko when questioned about his tendency to record people and post them on social media, the former governor insisted that he only does that on cartels and not his friends.

Nairobi Woman Rep Esther Passaris during the launch of the illumination of KICC to mark the start of the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence on Tuesday, 24 2021.
Nairobi Woman Rep Esther Passaris during the launch of the illumination of KICC to mark the start of the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence on Tuesday, 24 2021.

Nairobi Woman Representative Esther Passaris has asked the Director of Criminal Investigations to block all the social media platforms of former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko.

She spoke Tuesday during the illumination of the Kenyatta International Conference Center to mark the beginning of the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence on Tuesday night.

Passaris said that Sonko’s recent actions warranted the country to ban him from using any social media platforms.

Sonko recently leaked videos implicating various individuals including Justice Said Chitembwe in alleged corrupt dealings, with one woman being exposed in a compromising situation.

Passaris said that Sonko infringed on the rights of the woman and his expose of her constitutes online violence against her.

“That kind of violence and violation of a woman is wrong by every standard and the I cal on the DCI to take action against him because as a country, you can block someone who has terrorises and abuse women on social media platforms,” she said.

She said that Kenya should take a leaf out of a page of European countries and how they deal with such.

“Europe refuses to even mention the names of such people and they do not give them any kind of audience. So I am challenging the DCI and the DPP to close those social media platforms,” she said.

Sonko’s actions, she added, show a lack of respect for all genders, as well as children and society at large.

“If we say that we are going to end sexual and gender-based violence then perpetrators in such high positions should not be let to walk scot-free. He must be made an example of,” she said.

Passaris concluded by saying that only a multi-sectoral approach would end all forms of gender-based violence.

“Let us cut the power that perpetrators have on social media platforms. If they managed to do it to Donald Trump, then they can surely do it to Sonko,” she said.


However, Sonko on Tuesday when questioned about his tendency to record people and post them on social media, the former governor insisted that he only does that on cartels and not his friends.

Sonko said by doing so, he hasn’t gone against any law, as it serves as evidence.

“Article 35 of the Constitution talks about access to information. If I would be just shouting verbally with no evidence no one would believe what goes on in the judicial system," he said during an interview on KTN News.

Edited by D Tarus

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