I will not make pledges I can't fulfil - Mudavadi

ANC leader says Jubilee set goals they could not achieve

In Summary
  • Kenyans have become bitter with the Jubilee administration largely because its leaders made pledges they could not deliver
  • The Kenyan voter can now distinguish what is feasible and what is not
Amani National Congress party leader Musalia Mudavadi.
Amani National Congress party leader Musalia Mudavadi.

ANC party leader Musalia Mudavadi has said Kenyans have become bitter with the Jubilee administration largely because its leaders made pledges they could not deliver.

Mudavadi, who is eying the presidency in 2022, said he is aware of the enormous challenges that await him if he takes over the leadership of the country; and would therefore not make unrealistic pledges.

Speaking to TV 47 Morning Cafe on Tuesday, Mudavadi said Kenyans will be expecting a lot more from the next government, particularly in areas touching on the economy.

“I will always want to set realistic goals and be very clear on what I can achieve in five years,” he stated.

He said he will need to “identify areas of priority appropriately while being careful not to be overambitious.”

“The challenge of the Jubilee is that when they set out, theirs was largely an expansionist policy. They wanted to do so many things in a short period. They wanted to do dams that never took off but commitments were made and money spent. Let us cut our cloth to fit our size,” he said.

He continued: “I could also fall prey to such ambitions. I don't want that to happen. I do not want to tell Kenyans that there will be a red carpet from their homesteads to their officers”

The ANC party leader added that solutions to the country's problems primarily lie in good governance and prudent economic management, fight against corruption and getting public institutions to deliver.

“You need roads, yes, but how many roads can you do with our current economic situation. Those are the things that you need to consider when making pledges,” he said.

Mudavadi said Kenyan voters had become enlightened and it would be very difficult for leaders seeking elective positions to win their hearts with unrealistic promises.

“The Kenyan voter has started distinguishing what is feasible and what is not. I believe they no longer let people just make promises,” he added.

Mudavadi is in a political formation dubbed the ‘One Kenya Alliance’ that brings together Gideon Moi (Kanu), Kalonzo Musyoka (Wiper) and Moses Wetang'ula (Ford Kenya).

On the country's debt situation, Mudavadi said the National Treasury should give Kenyans more details on the Sh255 billion loan recently acquired from the International Monetary Fund.

“Loans come with constitutionalities and it is for the National Treasury to elaborate on that. Some loans have implication that include adjustments in taxes, privatisation of government parastatals and even civil servants losing their jobs through retrenchments,” he added.

However, he said Kenyans are better off having the IMF on their side than against them.

“IMF walked out on Kenya in the 90s and the World Bank went with them then the bilateral partners followed. We were in a very awkward situation,” he recalled.

He said the government should work very quickly to create a functioning economy, one that is growing to lessen the tax burden Kenyans are grappling with.

“We are in a state of distress, Covid-19 aside. Our debt portfolio is biting us. We have taken a lot of commercial loans. Those that have high interest rates and repayment is about 15 years while concessional loans would have interest rates of even one per cent and repayment period of 30 years,” he explained.


-Edited by SKanyara

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