Maseno University closed following unrest

Students riot over increased insecurity, cite recent rape of a female colleague

In Summary
  • Student leader says insecurity is rife outside and within the institution
  • Vice chancellor Julius Nyabundi closed the institution until further notice
A past students demonstration at Maseno University
SHUT: A past students demonstration at Maseno University
Image: FILE

Maseno University's main campus has been closed indefinitely following a riot at the institution over insecurity that allegedly led to the rape of a student.

The students on Sunday night lit bonfires at main gate and blocked a section of the road, saying security within the area should be improved.


“This we will not accept. They steal from us. We have had our female counterpart raped, yet our calls to have the issues of insecurity within the area addressed have fallen on deaf ears,” a student said during the riot.

The students union secretary general Alex Kalugo told the Star on Monday that their concerns on increasing security threats for the last few months must be addressed.

Kalugo said insecurity was not only witnessed outside the campus but also within the institution.

“We have reported these cases. The attack and rape of our female counterpart will not be accepted.  It is sad that some of the culprits were spotted but nothing has been done. That is why students were angered that the police are not doing anything to tame this,” he said.

Vice chancellor Julius Nyabundi closed the institution until further notice.

In an internal Memo, Nyabundi said the senate sat on Sunday around 7pm and resolved to close the university with immediate effect. The students were given 30 minutes to vacate the campus.

“Following unrest by the students over alleged rape case reported to have occurred off campus and failure by the students to engage university management on structured discussions on the same, the senate sat and decided to close the institution”, the notice stated.


The closure of the university comes as the institution is set to hold its 19th graduation ceremony next week on Friday.

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