Duelling Ottichilo and Khaniri launch manifestos

ODM governor says he faced many challenges, rival in UDM said he "messed up"

In Summary

•  Health, education, jobs, water supply, sanitation and infrastructure are major issues in both manifestos

• Ottichilo says he realised 70% of his agenda despite huge inherited bills. Khaniri says he plunged the county "from the frying pan into the fire". 

Winnie Majani, Luanda MP Chris Omulele, Governor Wilber Ottichilo and Mary Amalemba during Ottichilo's manifesto launch.
ANOTHER CHANCE? Winnie Majani, Luanda MP Chris Omulele, Governor Wilber Ottichilo and Mary Amalemba during Ottichilo's manifesto launch.

Vihiga Governor Wilber Ottichilo of ODM says he deserves another chance, challenger Senator George Khaniri of UDP says he can do better.

Both launched their manifestos . Ottichilo launched his at Sossa Cottage in Hamisi subcounty on Friday and Senator Khaniri launched his at Trinity in Luanda subcounty.

The issues are basic: health, education, jobs, water supply, sanitation, infrastructure and good governance.

Otichillo said he struggled to pay pending bills, which inhibited his plans. Khaniri said he had failed.

Ottichilo said his administration faced huge bills and many challenges before he could work on his election promises.

“My 2017-2022 plans were to address the unique challenges that hindered progress and socio-economic development in the county,” Ottichilo said.

Senator George Khaniri launches his manifesto at at Trinity Centre in Maseno, Luanda subcounty
I'LL DO BETTER: Senator George Khaniri launches his manifesto at at Trinity Centre in Maseno, Luanda subcounty

“Major problems were poor governance, poverty and youth unemployment, poor healthcare, poor ECDs, poor management of  TVETs and environmental degradation."

He said that from 2017 to 2022, he has achieved 71 per cent of his development agenda, despite struggling with more than Sh1.8 billion bills.

President Uhuru Kenyatta said it was mandatory for counties to pay the bills.

“On these pending bills were pegged salaries and development funds, so we were not able to do any development nor pay our staff until we saw how much we had left to spend," Ottichilo said.

He said his administration had no option but to pay the bills, almost grounding services.

“Despite all those challenges, my administration managed to hire about 850 ECDE teachers," the governor said.

"We have hired about 2,000 community health workers and 341 health workers. We have also resolved their stalemate," he said.

Khaniri criticised Ottichilo’s administration. He said he had not done much to provide jobs, improve the health sector and provide better services.

While addressing his supporters, the senator said when Ottichilo took over, there were high hopes he would improve the county.

"I didn't know we were jumping from the frying pan into the real fire," Khaniri said.

“Ottichilo has further messed up. We expected something good from him but all in vain,” he added.

The governor criticised Senator Khaniri for allegedly failing in his oversight role as senator.

“Let us  not  pretend we are angels, you were mandated with oversight Where were you when the county was being plunged into pending bills?" Ottichilo asked.

(Edited by V. Graham)

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