Adagala cleared to defend woman rep seat

Those who are yet to be cleared include Jacklin Mwenesi (UDA), and Violet Bagada (UDP).

In Summary

•The woman rep was elected in 2017 after the exit of Dorcas Kedogo of ODM who was eyeing the Vihiga MP seat.

•Adagala is set to face off Winnie Majani (ODM), Afandi Lukalo (MDG), Margret Mbuni(KANU), Lorna Obiri, Ruth Bukachi (independent), Mary Amalemba (DAP-K),  who have been cleared by the IEBC.

Vihiga Woman Rep Beatrice Adagala display her certificate after being cleared by IEBC to defend her seat.
Vihiga Woman Rep Beatrice Adagala display her certificate after being cleared by IEBC to defend her seat.

IEBC has cleared Vihiga woman MP Beatrice Adagala of the ANC party to defend her seat for the second term.

The woman rep was elected in 2017 after the exit of Dorcas Kedogo of ODM who was eyeing the Vihiga MP seat.

She lost to the incumbent MP Ernest Kagesi.

Adagala is set to face off Winnie Majani (ODM), Afandi Lukalo (MDG), Margret Mbuni(KANU), Lorna Obiri, Ruth Bukachi (independent), Mary Amalemba (DAP-K),  who have been cleared by the IEBC.

Those who are yet to be cleared include Jacklin Mwenesi (UDA), and Violet Bagada (UDP). 

While addressing the press after receiving her clearance certificate said she is seeking for the second term to finish what she started.

"I have done my best and if you give me a chance, I will do better from where we are," Adagala said.

Afandi Lukalo of MDG party addressing the press after being cleared by IEBC.
Afandi Lukalo of MDG party addressing the press after being cleared by IEBC.

"When you see people rushing to this position just know they have seen what I have done and they want to try their luck as well," she added.

The Vihiga woman rep will be banking on her track record of the last five years in office to urge locals to re-elect her for the second term.

On the other hand, her competitors say they are seeking that position to improve the livelihoods of the local people within the county.

"Our people are struggling with jiggers in villages. We need to help them eradicate that and ensure they have food security and other basic needs," said Afandi Lukalo of MDG.

However, Ruth Bukachi on her side said it's time to serve our people with integrity.

"My main agenda will focus on Education, health, sanitation and food security for our people," Bukachi said.

Ruth Bukachi addressing the press after being cleared as an independent candidate to contest for Vihiga Woman rep position.
Ruth Bukachi addressing the press after being cleared as an independent candidate to contest for Vihiga Woman rep position.

Bukachi said going as an independent candidate was the only option so that she can stand for her policies.

"I had to go as an independent candidate to deliver on my manifesto, that will help me not to struggle with the party interests," she said.

Initially, Bukachi was a UDA party member before walking out on what she termed as frustration from other party members.

Bagada also walked out of the ANC party citing party frustrations.

"What I am seeing in the ANC party is like some of us. We might not see the light but we shall seek refuge somewhere else," Badaga said.

Badaga was speaking at a previous political rally in Sabatia when she was seeking support to join the UDP party led by Cyrus Jirongo.

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