Over 200 needy Njoro families affected by floods receive donations

The food and non-food items from Henan Highway Engineering Group Company aimed at cushioning them

In Summary
  • The families and learners drawn from the Beeston Area were given maize flour, wheat flour, pencils, ball pens, footballs, backpacks, rice, cooking oil, and sugar.
  • Mr Jiang, Henan Director General,  said they will roll out more charity events to enable families to recover from the severe effects of floods.
The management of Henan HIghway Engineering Group with families and learners during the food and stationery donation exercise at Cheptoroi Comprehensive School along the Beeston-Nessuit boundary in Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru. IMAGE/LOISE MACHARIA
The management of Henan HIghway Engineering Group with families and learners during the food and stationery donation exercise at Cheptoroi Comprehensive School along the Beeston-Nessuit boundary in Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru. IMAGE/LOISE MACHARIA

More than 200 families affected by floods and tens of learners in Njoro, Nakuru county benefitted from donations by Henan Highway Engineering Group Company on Thursday.

The families and learners drawn from the Beeston area were given maize flour, wheat flour, pencils, ball pens, footballs, backpacks, rice, cooking oil, and sugar.

“There is a saying in China that ‘Education is the foundation of national development in the long run, and children are the future of the nation,”  Jiang Junfeng, Henan Highway Engineering director general, said.

“We wish to take this opportunity to encourage the children to get more knowledge and wisdom and hope they grow up healthily, have a better future and dedicate themselves to their families and the nation in the future.”

The event was held at Cheptoroi Comprehensive School along the Beeston-Nessuit boundary in Njoro subcounty, Nakuru.

Henin Highway Company are the contractor of Njoro-Beeston-Nesuit/ Beeston-Lawina-Elburgon/Mauche-Sururu roads.

Jiang said the activity was held with support from KeRRA, Nakuru region.

The regional director of KeRRA Nakuru, Eng Laban Ngigi was present during the event.

Jiang said they will roll out more charity events to enable families recover from the severe effects of floods.

“We know what we are doing now here may not be able to change a lot, but we believe at least it can minimise the negative impact from the heavy rains and can help some families out of the current situation,” Jiang added.

Mr Jiang Junfeng, Director General of Henan Highway Engineering Limited, Cheptoroi Primary School Principal, Bonareri Oriango and beneficiaries during the food and stationery donation exercise on Thursday, May 30,2024.
Mr Jiang Junfeng, Director General of Henan Highway Engineering Limited, Cheptoroi Primary School Principal, Bonareri Oriango and beneficiaries during the food and stationery donation exercise on Thursday, May 30,2024.

“And most importantly, by hosting this activity, we wish to know each other in a better way and to establish stronger connections with local communities.”

Cheptoroi Comprehensive School Principal Bonareri Oriango said she picked children from the most needy families and those whose families were worst affected by the recent countrywide floods that left more than 260 people dead, thousands displaced and property worth millions of shillings destroyed.

Oriango said most of the learners come from child-headed families, others single parenthood and some were brought up by their grandparents.

“We commended Hanan Engineering Company for the assistance as this will go a long way in helping the beneficiaries,” she said.

“The school was also badly affected by the floods with 10 pit latrines having sunk after they were filled up by flood water.”

The management of Henan HIghway Engineering Group with families and learners during the food and stationery donation exercise at Cheptoroi Comprehensive School along the Beeston-Nessuit boundary in Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru. IMAGE/LOISE MACHARIA
The management of Henan HIghway Engineering Group with families and learners during the food and stationery donation exercise at Cheptoroi Comprehensive School along the Beeston-Nessuit boundary in Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru. IMAGE/LOISE MACHARIA

She appealed to more well-wishers to come up and help construct new toilet blocks and help needy families.

Orlando asked Henan Highway Engineering Company to initiate a school feeding  programme at the school to improve attendance and fight hunger.

Kennedy Alchio, a village elder, thanked the company for the food aid saying that it was timely.

Another donation was also held in Nessuit Centre, with the assistance of the area chief.

Another 30 families received support from at the centre.

Henan HIghway Engineering Group management Team leading a food and stationery donation exercise at Cheptoroi Comprehesive School along the Beeston-Nessuit boundary in Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru on Thursday, May 30, 2024
Henan HIghway Engineering Group management Team leading a food and stationery donation exercise at Cheptoroi Comprehesive School along the Beeston-Nessuit boundary in Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru on Thursday, May 30, 2024
The management of Henan HIghway Engineering Group with families and learners during the food and stationery donation exercise at Cheptoroi Comprehensive School along the Beeston-Nessuit boundary in Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru. IMAGE/LOISE MACHARIA
The management of Henan HIghway Engineering Group with families and learners during the food and stationery donation exercise at Cheptoroi Comprehensive School along the Beeston-Nessuit boundary in Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru. IMAGE/LOISE MACHARIA
The management of Henan HIghway Engineering Group with families and learners during the food and stationery donation exercise at Cheptoroi Comprehensive School along the Beeston-Nessuit boundary in Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru. IMAGE/LOISE MACHARIA
The management of Henan HIghway Engineering Group with families and learners during the food and stationery donation exercise at Cheptoroi Comprehensive School along the Beeston-Nessuit boundary in Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru. IMAGE/LOISE MACHARIA
The management of Henan HIghway Engineering Group with families and learners during the food and stationery donation exercise at Cheptoroi Comprehensive School along the Beeston-Nessuit boundary in Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru. IMAGE/LOISE MACHARIA
The management of Henan HIghway Engineering Group with families and learners during the food and stationery donation exercise at Cheptoroi Comprehensive School along the Beeston-Nessuit boundary in Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru. IMAGE/LOISE MACHARIA
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