Murkomen out of touch with Elgeyo reality — Tolgos

Governor said the senator has never attended talks with Elgeyo residents

In Summary

• Tolgos, who is completing his term, said he will give Murkomen a run for his money 

• The governor is allied to Raila Odinga while the senator is in DP William Ruto's camp

Governor Alex Tolgos inspecting development projects in Elgeyo Marakwet county
TOLGOS Governor Alex Tolgos inspecting development projects in Elgeyo Marakwet county

Elgeyo Marakwet Senator Kipchumba Murkomen does not understand his own county due to prolonged absence, Governor Alex Tolgos has said. 

Addressing the press in Iten town on Tuesday, Tolgos said some senators are out of touch with their counties.

“An example is my own senator, who has never attended any public participation meeting in his county to hear public views on the challenges affecting them with a view to addressing them," the governor said.

Tolgos, who is completing his term, is a close ally of Opposition chief Raila Odinga and will thus vie through the Azimio movement, while Murkomen is in DP William Ruto's UDA camp. 

Murkomen has largely concentrated his time on campaigning for DP Ruto, but analysts say he will be forced to spend more time in Elgeyo Marawket because Tolgos, having served two terms as governor, is not a political lightweight.

Ruto is seeking the presidency on his United Democratic Alliance party under the Kenya Kwanza Alliance, and UDA is expected to be the most dominant party in the region during the elections.

The governor said he will be asking residents to consider him to succeed Murkomen, who has served two terms as senator.

“Murkomen is my brother, my friend and my former classmate, but I want to tell him that let's meet at the ballot on August 9,” Tolgos said.

The two have been at loggerheads politically, trading accusations of poor performance.

“Some of us are now needed at the Senate to help strengthen devolution because some of those who have been there like Murkomen do not understand what happens in counties,” Tolgos said.

He said he is grateful to residents for trusting and giving him the opportunity to serve them as governor for two consecutive terms.

Tolgos said he is preparing his report card that he will be presenting to the electorate about his development record.

“Having been a pioneer governor in the beginning of devolution in Kenya, I have had a first-hand experience and I understand the challenges that counties go through, which need the attention of the Senate."

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