UDA moves to consolidate Nyanza region support base

Oyolo said its healthy for the community to practice democracy.

In Summary
  • The defectors said President Ruto was part of them in KANU and they don't have any regrets joining him in the UDA party.
  • The defections came barely a fortnight after the former Kisumu County ODM party Prof Ayiecho Olweny and several Orange officials decamped to the UDA party.
James Oyolo aspirant Kisumu County UDA party chairman position addressing the media

The United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party has moved to consolidate its support base in the Nyanza region after bagging key Kenya Africa National Union (KANU) party officials in Kisumu County.

The defectors who held key party positions at the ward level in the county were welcomed to the party by James Oyolo from Kisumu Central sub-county.

Oyolo is keen to clinch the Kisumu County UDA party chairman position in the looming party grassroots elections in December.

The defectors said President Ruto was part of them in KANU and they don't have any regrets joining him in the UDA party.

The defections came barely a fortnight after the former Kisumu County ODM party Prof Ayiecho Olweny and several Orange officials decamped to the UDA party.

Oyolo said it's healthy for the community to practice democracy adding that he is ready to consolidate a solid base for the UDA party in the county.

Addressing a press conference in Kisumu, he noted that he will not tire of bringing more new party members in the recruitment drive.

He took the opportunity to dismiss various reports and claims that there is a drawn-up list of UDA party officials in Kisumu County.

Former Kisumu East KANU Chairman Tom Oyoo, addressing the media in Kisumu

Oyolo warned that those claiming an endorsement from the party headquarters will be in for a rude shock.

"What you must know is that the names of key government officials including the President himself have been used by some candidates and these schemes will not work, and the party should not go in that direction," he added.

Oyolo noted that as party members, they reject any drawn-up list of party officials and insist on a clear election by the party members.

Former Kisumu East KANU Chairman Tom Oyoo, who led several officials to defect said Kenya is a multiparty state and their move should not be questioned.

Oyoo noted that their intention to defect was not about selfish interest but for the interest of the people.

The former Kisumu West Sub County chairman Aum Ndalo assured that they will walk with the party.

Ndalo asked Oyolo and his team to continue with the push for the development agenda of the county.

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