NHIF seeks to net Sh712m from non-compliant members

He said this was a violation of the contractual provisions that they have in the hospitals.

In Summary
  • According to the NHIF Acting CEO Samson Kuhora, the three weeks crackdown will be for employers who have not been compliant for the last three, or four years.
  • Kuhora noted that the ongoing exercise is meant to seal the gaps in revenue collection with the current estimate of deductions that have not been remitted at the moment standing at Sh1.07 billion.
NHIF Acting Chief Executive Officer Samson Kuhora addressing the media in Kisumu. DANIEL OGENDO
NHIF Acting Chief Executive Officer Samson Kuhora addressing the media in Kisumu. DANIEL OGENDO

The National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) intends to net Sh 712 million in revenue from employers who have not been compliant in remitting of the funds.

According to the NHIF Acting CEO Samson Kuhora, the three weeks crackdown will be for employers who have not been compliant for the last three, or four years.

Kuhora noted that the ongoing exercise is meant to seal the gaps in revenue collection with the current estimate of deductions that have not been remitted at the moment standing at Sh1.07 billion.

When questioned whether he was aware that beneficiaries of the funds were being denied services due to the pending bills, the Ag CEO said they have indeed received the reports and complaints from different workers and beneficiaries over the same.

He said this was a violation of the contractual provisions that they have in the hospitals.

"They have raised the concerns in terms of payments and we have contractions obligations and we have made it clear that payments are a continuous process. There are those which will be pending we will not be able to pay exactly what is required today but then there is that process."

And to make it a bit more inclusive and to share information, the CEO said they have heard about engagements with the providers.

This he said was through the Kenya Healthcare Federations which represents all the National referral hospitals, Private providers in the country and Mission hospitals in the country.

"So far we have heard two engagements and they are appreciative of this effort to share the information that is there and address the challenge that is there and to work jointly when addressing some of these challenges."

He was speaking in Kisumu during a consultative meeting with the Central Organization of Trade Union(COTU) officials at Tom Mboya Labour College.

COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli said the employee contribution must be safeguarded at all costs.

Atwoli called on the NHIF board to crack the whip on corruption which he said was still the biggest challenge affecting service delivery.

He further said there was a need for an audit of the accredited facilities to ensure that only those that meet the threshold are allowed to operate.

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