Pick CECs who can deliver, residents tell Governor Nyaribo

A section of residents say the county needs sharp individuals who are development-oriented.

In Summary
  • John Kebaso, a human rights activist, said the county did not perform very well during the last regime and the same mistakes should not be repeated.
  • He faulted the choice of executives to the county whom he said failed to help the governor in service delivery and hence failed the electorate.
Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo.
CALLS FOR DEVELOPMENT: Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo.

Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo has been urged to ensure he nominates executives who can help him deliver services to residents.

A section of residents said the county needs sharp individuals who are development-oriented for it to be at the level of other developed counties.

They spoke to journalists on Monday morning in Nyamira town, where they called upon Nyaribo to give opportunity to individuals who have Nyamira at heart for the sake of development, and not those individuals who will taint his image by not delivering services.

John Kebaso, a human rights activist, said the county did not perform very well during the last regime and the same mistakes should not be repeated.

He faulted the choice of executives to the county whom he said failed to help the governor in service delivery and hence failed the electorate.

“We are talking about people who are swift in performing their duties in various capacities with or without much supervision and follow ups. If we give wrong individuals such critical roles then believe me, our county will no longer develop,” Kebaso said.

Vincent Atuti, who is a resident, said the selection of executives matters a lot, and that is why Nyaribo needs to take time and bring on board a capable team. 

“Residents need services for them to feel they have a leadership in place. This can only be achieved with the right-minded individuals who will fill the gaps left by the previous ministers in terms of service delivery in the various departments in the county,” he said.

The residents’ sentiments come just before Nyaribo names his new cabinet that will help him work in the next five years.

He is expected to name his cabinet anytime from now, with about 110 shortlisted for the positions of chief officers who will begin interviews on Wednesday.


(edited by Amol Awuor)

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