Stop character assassination and campaign on issues, senator candidate tells rivals

Atemba says the decision to elect the next senator purely lies in the hands of Kisii residents.

In Summary

• Atemba said character assassination and mudslinging will not help anybody get elected.

• The candidate condemned the misuse of youth to heckle opponents during rallies.

Kisii senator candidate Richard Atemba has told his opponents to engage in issue-based campaigns.

He said character assassination and mudslinging will not help anybody get elected.

Atemba said the decision to elect the next senator purely lies in the hands of Kisii residents.

"I'm urging my opponents to engage in issue-based campaigns and not character assassination," he said at his Amariba home.

Atemba called for peace as the campaigns enter the homestretch ahead of next month's polls.

"Campaigns and elections will come and go but the country will remain," he said.

Atemba is battling it out with Kitutu Chache South MP Richard Onyonka, former South Mugirango MP Omingo Magara and Ken Omanga.

The candidate condemned the misuse of youth to heckle opponents during rallies.

"I am urging our youth not to be induced to cause mayhem during the campaigns," Atemba said.

Speaking separately, Magara expressed optimism that he was going to win the race. He said if he wins, he will discharge his oversight role properly.

He said he understands the responsibility of a senator well and will not sit and watch as the county government misuses public funds.

"I'm an accountant so I know how funds are used. I'm going to ensure that the taxpayer gets value for their money," he said at Riang'ombene.

"I'm one leader who takes matters of accountability seriously. I'm urging Kisii voters to give me the chance to serve them."

In the 2017 election, Magara came second with more than 100,000 votes.

The former MP said he will table bills in the Senate that will benefit Kisii residents.

"I will fight for more funds for our county. I will also be tabling bills that will benefit our people," he further said.

Onyonka said he is best suited to be the next Kisii senator because he has the required experience.

"I have been an MP for 15 years and I consider myself one of the best," the legislator said.

Edited by A.N

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