Homa Bay elders endorse Kidero, call for revival of cotton

Say he has demonstrated his commitment to address region's development agenda.

In Summary
  • Vincent Obiero, told residents to abide by the elders’ decision.
  • Kidero promised to focus on reviving cotton production and creating other industries.
Rachuonyo elders Jack Opiyo and Phares Ogada at Alaw Rachuonyo on July 10,2022
Rachuonyo elders Jack Opiyo and Phares Ogada at Alaw Rachuonyo on July 10,2022
Rachuonyo elders pray for and bless Homa Bay governor hopeful Evans Kidero after endorsing him at Alaw Rachuonyo in Karachuonyo constituency on July 10, 2022
Rachuonyo elders pray for and bless Homa Bay governor hopeful Evans Kidero after endorsing him at Alaw Rachuonyo in Karachuonyo constituency on July 10, 2022

Elders from three constituencies have thrown their weight behind Homa Bay governor hopeful Evans Kidero and urged him to revive cotton farming.

The elders are from Rachuonyo, which consists of Karachuonyo, Kasipul and Kabondo Kasipul.

They endorsed Kidero on Sunday as their preferred gubernatorial candidate, saying he demonstrated his commitment to address the region's development agenda.

“We are endorsing Kidero as our preferred candidate. He has qualities of a leader who can serve our development needs,” elder Phares Ogada said.

Ogada added they had assessed Kidero and discovered that he can implement development agenda they are championing for.

He said their declaration was a directive that should be followed by the youth and women in the area.

Another elder, Vincent Obiero, told residents to abide by the elders’ decision.

The elders from the region asked Kidero to keep his promise to bring the ginneries roaring back to enable farmers embark on growing the crop.

They met in Alaw Rachuonyo hall in Karachuonyo constituency and highlighted other development projects the incoming governor should implement.

Under the leadership of Jack Ongiyo, the Rachuonyo elders’ forum said they want cotton production restored as their main source of livelihood. 

Kidero promised to focus on reviving cotton production and creating other industries as a way of uplifting residents’ standards.

“I want to improve agriculture, health services, enhance industrialisation, provide clean water, among other agendas,” Kidero said.

He said the elders’ endorsement was significant for his aspiration of Homa Bay gubernatorial seat.

“Rachuonyo region has a very significant voter population and this support can make me win the seat easily,” Kidero said.

The former Nairobi governor told residents to vote candidates based on their leadership skills rather than a political party.

“A political party does not offer services. Let us focus on the people vying seats,” Kidero said.

Cotton farming was the main economic activity for residents but production declined drastically after ginneries in Kendu Bay and Homa Bay towns collapsed.

Many politicians, including incumbent Governor Cyprian Awiti who hails from the region, have been promising to revive the industries but in vain.

Currently, two front runners in the governor race, Kidero and Gladys Wanga, have also promised to bring back the crop by reviving the factories.

The elders want ginneries and farmer incentives provided to revive production of the crop.

“Rachuonyo region lost its economic glory when ginneries collapsed. Agriculture is devolved and we want the next county government to revive cotton production,” Ongiyo said.

Ogada said development projects should be implemented in a manner reflecting the population of an area.

He asked Kidero to prioritise projects that serve the immediate needs of the people.

Homa Bay has eight constituencies with more than 550,000 registered voters.

Rachuonyo region has  the largest number of votes.

“Many parents used to educate their children using cotton but they cannot do so today because ginneries collapsed. Reviving cotton production will uplift living standards of many people here,” Ogada said.

Kidero and Wanga come from Rangwe constituency.

Edited by Henry Makori

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