Pray for country ahead of polls, Matiang'i urges church

CS asks aspirants vying for various political seats to maintain peace

In Summary
  • He asked aspirants vying for various political seats to maintain peace and urge their supporters to eschew violence. 
  • Separately, the CS said the government is committed to forge solid peace along the volatile Nyamira-Bomet  border.
Interior CS Fred Matiang'i on Friday, February 26, 2022.
Interior CS Fred Matiang'i on Friday, February 26, 2022.


Churches have been asked to intensify prayers for the country as it heads to the polls in two months.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang'i said while the government has put elaborate plans to forestall any incidents of poll thuggery, the church faithful and clergy have a special role to intervene for the country. 

"As government leaders, our plea with you is to solemnly pray for the country at this time. Pray also for all political leaders as they lead the country in delicate moments like this," he said. 

He asked aspirants vying for various political seats to maintain peace and urge their supporters to eschew violence. 

"We are still vigilant as the government to enforce order. I want to assure every Kenyan that this time round every thing has been done to stem incidents of violence," he said. 

The CS was speaking at Kenyerere Seventh Day Adventist church during service. 

He was among leaders invited to the church's Women Ministry's gospel campaign rally.

Separately, the CS said the government is committed to forge solid peace along the volatile Nyamira-Bomet  border.

He said communities living along the common border have already buried the hatchet for the benefit of development. 

Security, he said, has already been beefed up to forestall skirmishes which erupt along the border every other election. 

"As a people we must say no to incitement and tell off whoever is doing so," the CS said. 

The grey areas that had been sparking conflict along the common border between the communities have already been addressed, he said. 

"I am sure nothing untoward is going to fracture this peace and harmony which we have arduously laboured to achieve,"  Matiang'i said. 

The Nyamira-Bomet border in Nyamira and Masaba-Emurua Dikirr in Kisii had been scenes of skirmishes  most of them caused by incidents of  cattle rustling. 

Matiang'i said the problem dogging the region would a thing of the past. 

He was speaking on Friday at Eronge-Magombo in Borabu during the launch of the Sh3.6 billion road linking Miami and Bomet. 

The project was jointly inaugurated by Infrastructure CS James Macharia and Matiang'i. The CS said the government looks forward to a peaceful poll.

"The people on the other side of the border are my friends, they have friends amongst us, they are doing business with us and us with them and we must live in peace," he told the residents. 

The government, he added  would continue to closely monitor politicians bent on inciting violence. 

Consequently, Matiang'i said, security has already been heightened to forestall any skirmishes in all hotspots across the country. 

"We are already watching the conduct of some politicians especially those from volatile borders. We will not allow any part of the country to relapse to violence." 

He vowed to ensure peace at the Borabu-Bomet border which reports political violence every electioneering season would not reoccur. 

"Together with elders and religious leaders from our neighbours in Bomet, we have pledged to keep peace," he said. 

The road project is part of the long term efforts by the government aimed at addressing the long term problem of insecurity in the region. 

Earlier the two CSs donated Sh10 million towards the construction of a dormitory at  Nyandoche-Ibere Girls Secondary School. 

They also launched the construction of Magombo police post to beef up security in the region. 

Also at the functions were Solicitor General Ken Ogeto, Health PS Susan Mochache, Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo, Senator Okong'o Omogeni and Woman Representative Jerusha Momanyi.

Macharia warned rogue contractors saying the government is committed to best working standards in infrastructure.


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