Marsabit residents urged to embrace water technologies

Water remains a major cause of conflicts among pastoral communities.

In Summary
  • Boru urged residents to embrace the advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) which uses smart meter technology to prevent high levels of Non-Revenue water loss.
  • He pointed out that technologies are meant to accelerate the realization of not only the sustainable development goal of access to water and sanitation but also the nation's Vision 2030 on universal water coverage in the county.
Marsabit county executive committee member for Water, Environment and Natural resources Malicha Boru led officials and partners in celebrating world water day at North-Horr on Friday, March 22, 2024.
Marsabit county executive committee member for Water, Environment and Natural resources Malicha Boru led officials and partners in celebrating world water day at North-Horr on Friday, March 22, 2024.

Marsabit County Executive Committee member for Water, Environment and Natural Resources Malicha Boru on Friday urged residents to embrace technologies in the management of the resource.

Boru urged residents to embrace the advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) which uses smart meter technology to prevent high levels of Non-Revenue water loss.

He pointed out that technologies are meant to accelerate the realization of not only the sustainable development goal of access to water and sanitation but also the nation's Vision 2030 on universal water coverage in the county.

"The AMI is more effective and efficient. ATM enables customer to pay their bills remotely and this helps improve water utilities efficiently which helps reduce Non-Revenue water loss while at the same time improving revenue collection," he said.

Boru spoke while leading county officials and partners in celebrating World Water Day at the North-Horr constituency.

He said the county government with the support of the partners has initiated water projects in the region to provide access to safe, sustainable and well-managed water facilities for the residents who face intensifying water shortage.

The water executive said water remains a major cause of conflicts among pastoral communities.

Boru said the rehabilitation of the water pans and the construction of boreholes would help address the tension and conflicts residents have been having over limited access to water.

He said the government has implemented measures to increase access to water through harvesting and storage of water by giving thousands of households plastic tanks.

"The government through the Horn of Africa groundwater resilient program will construct more than 30 boreholes this financial year to end competition over water," he said

He reiterated that the administration of Governor Mohamud Ali is pumping in resources to help address conflict occasioned by competition for resources.

He called upon residents to help in the restoration and conservation of water catchment areas saying tree planting was the best way to help mitigate the effects of climate change.

"I urge everyone to conserve and embrace tree planting in water towers in the county," he said.

North-Horr ward MCA Tura Ruru lauded the county government for augmenting their efforts in the provision of water to his ward residents.

He said sustainable management of water resources requires a collaborative effort from stakeholders.

Marsabit county executive committee member for Water, Environment and Natural resources Malicha Boru leading county officials and partners in celebrating World Water Day at North-Horr on Friday, March 22, 2024
Marsabit county executive committee member for Water, Environment and Natural resources Malicha Boru leading county officials and partners in celebrating World Water Day at North-Horr on Friday, March 22, 2024

He praised the development partners for their significant roles in ensuring residents enjoy the values of a water-secure county.

"We should not relent in creating awareness and understanding the importance of integrated water resources management," he said

Deputy county commissioner Samuel Kiprop warned parents against denying their children their right to education.

"Parents who fail to send their child to school will be arrested and taken to court for denying their children the right to education," he warned

He urged them to prioritize the education of their children in a bid to nurture a generation that is empowered to bring a positive impact to society.

"By investing in education, you are laying the foundation for a society that is not only knowledgeable but empowered to create a positive change," he said

The county's director of technology Shakhe Stephen Katelo described the water technology as low-cost urging residents to protect the installation from misuse and vandalism.

"The new technology will help residents with a dependable water supply," he said.

Hundreds of residents attending world water day celebration held in North-Horr on Friday 22, March 2024.
Hundreds of residents attending world water day celebration held in North-Horr on Friday 22, March 2024.

He urged people to use water as a tool to create a more peaceful environment by working together in conserving and managing it efficiently.

"Conservation of water is an urgent issue as there is a continuous increase in the water demand. We will continue to come up with strategies and activities that help conserve resources," he said

Speaking on behalf of the partners Amina Isako said her organization PACIDA works with the county governments to establish county water management systems that are performance-oriented.

This, she said, is helping the community to realise their right to safe and accessible water by participating in strengthening the participation of local communities.

"Protection and restoration of water-related ecosystem is critical for quality water availability," she said

Amina said adopting water-efficient technologies contributes to increased availability of safe water for the well-being of humans.

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