MP Raso's governorship aspiration receives more backing

He urged the MP to bring all communities together and serve them equally.

In Summary
  • While speaking during a thanksgiving service held at Kupi Dibayu, the leaders said the MP was the right person for the job.
  • While assuring his support for the Saku lawmaker,  the  Marsabit senator said the MP has the wherewithal to lead Marsabit county residents.
Saku MP Dido Ali Raso during a thanksgiving service at Kupi Dibayu.
Saku MP Dido Ali Raso during a thanksgiving service at Kupi Dibayu.

More than 8 Marsabit county leaders have endorsed aspirations for Saku MP Dido Ali Raso to vie for the county's top seat come 2027.

The leaders include Marsabit Senator Mohamed Chute, Moyale MP Guyo Wako, Former Marsabit governor aspirant Sunya Orre, Former Saku MP aspirant Halkano Dida, and  Uran ward MCA Halkano Konso.

Others are Butiye ward MCA Did Omar Apicha and Illiret ward MCA among others.

While speaking during a thanksgiving service held at Kupi Dibayu, the leaders said the MP was the right person for the job.

While assuring his support for the Saku lawmaker,  the  Marsabit senator said the MP has the wherewithal to lead Marsabit county residents.

He urged the MP to bring all communities together and serve them equally.

"Marsabit county is a home to many tribes and I expect you to work together with all community for the sake of peace and development." said the senator

In his message to community elders Chute said:

"Don't go home without meeting the governor and tell him your endorsement of Saku MP for the county's top seat. You have a right to ask him to support your candidate." 

Borana supreme leaders led by JIMA supreme elder Sallo Dida during a thanksgiving service at Kupi Dibayu over the weekend.
Borana supreme leaders led by JIMA supreme elder Sallo Dida during a thanksgiving service at Kupi Dibayu over the weekend.

He called on elders to unite all political leaders for development and economic growth saying he will continue playing his role in checking the executive to ensure all monies are accounted for.

Former Marsabit governor's aspirant Orre said he would work with Raso in serving the county residents.

Former Saku MP aspirant Dida appealed to other governor's aspirants to join the MP's camp for the sake of unity.

JIMA supreme leader Sallo Dida said the MP has a wealth of experience to lead county residents.

He said the MP's track record speaks for itself.

The elders said the MP played a big role in unifying the Borana community.

Community elder Hussein Dida on his part said:

"Raso is now serving his third term and we need to support him to achieve his dream to serve Marsabit County residents," he said.

Raso while thanking the JIMA elders for their endorsement and the Saku people for having trust in his leadership promised to deliver.

"2027 is still far, you never know what God has planned for us but I want to work with all like-minded leaders so that we clinch the county's top seat," he said.

Senator Mohamed Chute at thanksgiving service at Kupi Dibayu over the weekend
Senator Mohamed Chute at thanksgiving service at Kupi Dibayu over the weekend

He promised to unite all communities in the county and promote cohesiveness once elected to be the next county boss.

"I will unite all the communities. I have been elected three times as Saku MP and my constituency is a cosmopolitan area and there is no time I have discriminated against any Community residing in my constituency," said Saku mp

"The blessings and endorsement by elders is a boost to my political journey," he added.

He appealed for peaceful coexistence and unity among the members of the public to make a country a better place to live in.

The climax of the event was the endorsement of the legislator by the elders.

The elders dressed in traditional regalia blessed him by handing over a stick as a symbol of authority to represent the community's political interest.

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