Voter registration poorly timed, former Garissa governor says

Jama says residents priority at the moment is salvaging their livestock from drought

In Summary
  • Early this month, IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati launched a 30-day voter registration exercise in Nakuru targeting six million new voters.
  • However, with Northeastern region currently experiencing severe drought, residents have migrated with their livestock in search of pasture and water.
Former Garissa governor Nathif Jama during a special stakeholders meeting that brought together the youth, women and PLWD to review the challenges that has led to low voter registration within the county
Voter registration Former Garissa governor Nathif Jama during a special stakeholders meeting that brought together the youth, women and PLWD to review the challenges that has led to low voter registration within the county

Former Garissa governor Nathif Jama on Wednesday took issue with the timing of the ongoing one-month voter registration noting that the timing was poor.

Early this month, IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati launched a 30-day voter registration exercise which targets six million new voters.

However, with Northeastern region currently experiencing severe drought following successive seasons of no rain, residents have migrated with their livestock in search of pasture and water.

Speaking during a special stakeholders  meeting that brought together the youth, women and PLWD to review the challenges that has led to low voter registration within the county, Jama said going by the current situation and the poor turnout, all indications are the county will fall far from the targets.

Participants during a special stakeholders meeting in Garissa.
voter registration Participants during a special stakeholders meeting in Garissa.

According to Garissa county election coordinator Hassan Gare, IEBC was targeting to register 53,074 voters but has only managed to register 7,374.

Gure said while the county might be among the top 10 in the country to register more people, 7,000 against 53,000 listing is still very low, hence the need for more Kenyans with ID cards to come out and register.

Jama attributed the voter apathy to unemployment, lack of ID cards especially among the youth, drought and lack of enough sensitisation and manipulation of elections.

“I don’t know why the commission decided to carry out this very important exercise during this period of drought where the priority of our people is to salvage their source of livelihood, the livestock. Voter registration is the least of their concerns,” he said.

Jama said most pastoralists have moved far and wide, including to neighbouring countries, in search of water and pasture and might not be home to register as voters.

“I appeal to IEBC to think of how they will get to these people. The turnout is below the projection. I am worried that we might not even register half the numbers,” he said.

Jama also took issue with previous elections where its credibility has been questions something he said has over time led to voter apathy.

“Let us be honest with each other and tell it like it is because sweeping it under the carpet will not help maters. We have elections that are unfortunately manipulated. When an election is mishandled by IEBC, then voters question why they should vote if the outcome is pre-determined,”  he said.

He added, “So what we are really looking forward to is for the commission to commits itself and give encouragement to the youth and citizens that the elections will be free, fair and credible when the time comes. That is the only way you can build our people’s confidence.”

On the issue of extension which had been requested by leaders in the meeting, the IEBC coordinator said shortage of funds would make that impossible.

“As a commission we are seriously short of funds. There is no guarantee that in future more funds will be availed. That is why we are taking the opportunity to appeal to people not to wait but to come and register now,”  he said.

-Edited by SKanyara

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