Isiolo residents urged to form cooperative societies to boost income

Governor Guyo called on politicians to shun divisive politics and engage in meaningful development.

In Summary

•Guyo noted that without divisive politics, leaders in Isiolo can bring more development to residents.

•The Governor boasted of his achievement in the 18 months he has been in office. 

Isiolo Govenror Abdi Hassan Guyo during a fundraisimng in Isiolo where Sh35 million was raised towards women groups on December 22, 2023
Isiolo Govenror Abdi Hassan Guyo during a fundraisimng in Isiolo where Sh35 million was raised towards women groups on December 22, 2023
Image: ICG

Self-help groups in Isiolo have been urged to establish cooperative societies to facilitate the organization of livestock producers to market their products efficiently.

This initiative aims to eliminate unnecessary costs imposed by middlemen, particularly in anticipation of the imminent completion of the modern abattoir.

Isiolo Governor Abdi Hassan Guyo on Friday emphasized that these cooperatives will play a crucial role in supplying the abattoir with livestock sourced from various areas within the region.

"It's important that you organise yourselves into cooperatives so that you engage the management of the abattoir and make a profit out of the business," he said.

The Governor was speaking during a fundraising event where Sh35 million was raised and handed to women groups in Oldonyiro and Merti.

Those who attended the group include PS for Petroleum Mohamed Liban, Woman Representative Hon. Mumina Bonaya, Tana River Woman Representative Amina Dika, former Isiolo Governor Godana Doyo, Ex-Tana River Governor Hussein Dado, Speakers of the County Assemblies of Tana River and Isiolo among other guests.

Top on the list of contributors were President William Ruto who contributed Sh3 million, Governor Guyo Sh2 million, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua 1 million, Woman Representative Mumina Bonaya Sh500,000 cash, Sh 1 million cheque, Samal Lomwa  Sh500,000, Dido Raso Sh300,000, Former Tana River Governor Hussein Dado Sh300,000 and Doyo Sh200,000.

Isiolo Govenror Abdi Hassan Guyo during a fundraisimng in Isiolo where Sh35 million was raised towards women groups on December 22, 2023
Isiolo Govenror Abdi Hassan Guyo during a fundraisimng in Isiolo where Sh35 million was raised towards women groups on December 22, 2023
Image: ICG

Going further, the county boss called on politicians to shun divisive politics and engage in meaningful development.

Guyo noted that without divisive politics, leaders in Isiolo can bring more development to residents.

The Governor boasted of his achievement in the 18 months he has been in office. 

"I drilled 17 boreholes, worked on roads, offered empowerment programs and managed to fast-track stalled projects. My focus is on development as it is my written debt to the Isiolo people" Guyo said.

Looking at the last year, the governor said his administration focused on reviving and completing stalled projects.

"My administration inherited several stalled projects. In this regard, as your governor, I wish to register my continued commitment to completing these projects," he said.

Guyo emphasized his commitment to healthcare by ensuring adequate medication at the Isiolo District Hospital, facilitating over 100 surgeries at no cost this week alone.

His promise to improve infrastructure extends to the construction of previously impassable roads, the establishment of 18 Early Childhood Development (ECD) classes across the county, and plans to provide electricity to every corner of Isiolo.

Guyo's vision extends beyond mere infrastructure. He passionately urged the community to desist from cattle rustling, fostering unity and urging leaders to prioritize the welfare of their people.

Collaborating with various stakeholders, the Governor announced a collaborative effort to contribute 30 million from his end, supported by additional contributions from others, to ensure widespread electricity access. He also promised imminent access to water for the people of Madogashe.

Guyo highlighted that the administration has in the last year drilled seven new boreholes in Akadeli, Kakili, Kiwanja, LMD, Malkagalla, Lakole (in Merti) and Dadachabasa.

The county chief said the government undertook the rehabilitation of 27 boreholes, involving the replacement of motors, pumps, controllers, draw pipes, faulty cables, and other electromechanical equipment.

Additionally, the Isiolo county government also acquired three generators dedicated to boreholes in Boji and Merti.

"Addressing water supply challenges for our constituents, my administration has successfully rehabilitated and activated the NdunguZanguniEwaso turbine and Duse pipeline systems," Guyo said.

Moreover, in Oldonyiro, the county has overseen the refurbishment of an 800,000-litre water storage tank to further enhance our water infrastructure.

To actualise his vision of ensuring that all Isiolo residents have access to clean, reliable and affordable water by the year 2025, the Guyo-led administration formulated a 15-year water strategy that will soon launch.

Also, the county has embarked on a Sh19.7 million  Sustainable Management and Access to Water and Sanitation in the ASALS Programme (SWASAP project that will benefit 1,700 households in Charri, Garbatulla and Sericho wards with both clean water and sanitation.

In praising his efforts, PS Petroleum Liban, lauded Governor Guyo's initiatives, citing the potential employment opportunities arising from completed projects like the abattoir and forthcoming airport developments.

Former Governor Godana Goyo echoed these sentiments, urging the people of Isiolo to rally behind Governor Guyo's transformative endeavors.

Isiolo Govenror Abdi Hassan Guyo and other leaders during a fundraisimng in Isiolo where Sh35 million was raised towards women groups on December 22, 2023
Isiolo Govenror Abdi Hassan Guyo and other leaders during a fundraisimng in Isiolo where Sh35 million was raised towards women groups on December 22, 2023
Image: ICG
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