Isiolo market fire victims threaten to sue county government

Traders and residents who lost property have accused the county administration of negligence.

In Summary

• The residents accused the county government of failing to protect their property.

• They said the county fire brigade was not available to help contain the fire and salvage some property despite calls for help.

Traders at the market lost property running into millions of shillings in the fire that broke out at midnight.
Traders at the market lost property running into millions of shillings in the fire that broke out at midnight.

Traders who were affected by a fire that destroyed a market Monday night in Isiolo town are threatening to sue the county government over negligence. 

The inferno destroyed property worth millions after it gutted stalls and houses of at least 20 families at the Tumtum village which neighbours the market.

The residents led by Witherford Mwirigi from Bulapesa ward where the market lies have called for thorough investigations into the cause of the fire.

“The fire started at all corners and in the middle of the market at the same time, which was an indicator that the tragedy could be an arson attack. We suspect that this was intentional," Mwirigi said.

He said the county government fire brigade failed to respond on time saying at least 3,000 people were affected and left with nothing. 

Mwirigi said the Isiolo market experiences fire outbreaks soon after every general election. Monday's inferno was the third in a row.

The residents accused the county government of failing to protect their property.

They said the county fire brigade was not available to help contain the fire and salvage some property despite calls for help.

A fire engine from Kenya Defence Forces’ 78th battalion tank was the only one that offered help but it was too late as the market had already been razed by the fire. 

Mwirigi said that members of Isiolo community will sue the county government for negligence and ask be adequately compensated.

Habiba Abdirahman, a resident of Isiolo town, said that a lot of women and children have been affected.

“Widows and many children were dependent on the market to survive. It was a source of food and school fees. Every time this has happened, we suffer heavily… We have been turned to beggars,” she said.

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