MP Tandaza threatens to stop bursaries over school fires in Kwale

Says he won't hesitate to terminate sponsorship of any student linked to school arson.

In Summary
  • Dormitories in Mwaluphamba and Golini secondary schools were set ablaze during the night destroying everything.
  • He blamed parents for the increasing indiscipline cases among children, saying they have abandoned their responsibilities.
Matuga MP Kasim Sawa Tandaza speaks in an interview in Matuga constituency fund office in Kwale in 2021.
WARNING: Matuga MP Kasim Sawa Tandaza speaks in an interview in Matuga constituency fund office in Kwale in 2021.

Matuga MP Kasim Sawa Tandaza has threatened to stop the bursaries for students found engaging in school arson and indiscipline. 

His sentiments come weeks after two schools in Matuga reported fires causing huge losses.

Dormitories in Mwaluphamba and Golini secondary schools were set ablaze during the night destroying everything, but nobody was hurt.

Tandaza urged parents to take up their responsibilities and raise their children well or they risk losing bursaries and sponsorships.

"It is unacceptable. We pay school fees for students only for them to cause destruction in schools instead of learning," he said.

Apart from the NG-CDF, the MP through his Tandaza
Foundation sponsors bright but needy children.

Tandaza said he won't hesitate to terminate the sponsorship of any student who will be linked to school arson.

The legislator said he was disappointed that some of the burnt schools were those he helped construct classrooms, laboratories and install learning equipment.

He blamed parents for the increasing indiscipline cases among children, saying they have abandoned their responsibilities.

Recently, county police commander Amrose Oloo warned parents against inciting children to violence.

This was after Mwamgunga Girls High students were joined by parents in protesting against their principal.

They also attempted to assault and block the principal from accessing the school compound.

Tandaza called on the school heads and committee members to introduce tough disciplinary actions for the culprits.

"I know the education law is hard on you but there are so many ways of disciplining children that principals and the school board must apply to stem the vice," he said.

Last week, Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha issued a stern warning to parents and students over school unrest.

Magoha said the parents whose children take part in damaging or torching school properties will incur the cost of repair.

The cost for reconstructing the damaged school buildings will be added to school fees for all students in the affected schools regardless of whether they participated or not.

Magoha said apart from being held responsible, the culprits shall be treated as criminals and punished in a court of law to serve as an example to others.

Tandaza underscored the need for education and urged parents and students to embrace learning.

He told them to take advantage of the bursary and sponsorship programmes to improve lives and living standards.

"Make use of every opportunity to better your lives, study well and a bright future is ahead of you, otherwise you will rot in jail if you are not careful," he said.


Edited by Henry Makori

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