Ndale and Mukoko face off in Kenya Rugby Union polls

Ndale has served as women's director for the last four years.

In Summary

•The race for the secretary's seat has attracted the incumbent Ian Mugambi and Ochieng Ahaya.

•Treasurer Joshua Aroni is the sole candidate for the position while incumbents Hillary Itela and Oscar Mango will seek to be re-elected as directors alongside Charles Chege. 


Moses Ndale
Moses Ndale

Kenya Rugby Union (KRU) affiliates go to the polls today to elect a vice-chairman, secretary, treasurer, and directors during the Annual General Meeting slated for the RFUEA ground.

Thomas Opiyo, who has served for the past four years as vice-chair, will not seek re-election and the contest has attracted two candidates with  Moses Ndale facing off with Peris Mukoko for the position.

Ndale has served as women's director for the last four years.

if elected, he said he will continue to support policies that will help the union build sustainable programs while strengthening and growing both the player and supporter base of Women Rugby among other duties.

The former KCB forward said he is proud of the growth of the women's game in the last four years.

"The women's game has grown tremendously. We started the Kenya Cup League which Mwamba won while Lionesses qualified for the Tokyo Olympics. Our 15's team is making strides in the game and the potential in the game is great. We need to go further and qualify for more international tournaments” said Ndale. 

Ndale said his proudest achievement at KRU is to see Kenya Women Rugby players get opportunities internationally and stakeholders starting to get enthusiastic about Kenya Women Rugby.

" I guess what I'm proud of is being able to work and engage with people who really just needed that support to actually get over the line no matter the difficulties and challenges we experienced.”

Mukoko has focused on four pillars namely player pathway, integrity accountability, sustainability for women in rugby, and development of rugby structures.

The race for the secretary's seat has attracted the incumbent Ian Mugambi and Ochieng Ahaya. Treasurer Joshua Aroni is the sole candidate for the position while incumbents Hillary Itela and Oscar Mango will seek to be re-elected as directors alongside Charles Chege. 

Those elected will serve a four-year term with the chairman's election slated for next year.