Respect the rules of the game, pay referees

The former whistle blower also wants the federation to remit referees payments on time. This, he said, could be a factor.

In Summary

• There are 145 referees nominated for duty this season, which means they do not get matches regularly. 

• However, he said not all are compromised. Some are top Fifa referees, led by Professor Peter Waweru, Gilbert Cheruiyot, Steven Yembe and Mary Njoroge. 

Retired Fifa referee David Gikonyo
Retired Fifa referee David Gikonyo

Retired Fifa referee David Gikonyo has asked referees to protect the laws of the game.

Players, coaches and fans have recently raised a red flag on the competencies of some officials in Football Kenya federation competitions including the Premier League and the National Super League.

The former whistleblower wants the federation to remit referees' payments on time. This, he said, could be a factor.

145 referees were nominated for the season, but due to a lack of regular matches, they become error-prone from inactivity.

“If you appoint an official from Bungoma to oversee a game in Nairobi without transport, food, accommodation and pocket money, how do you expect him/her to perform well? Gikonyo asked.

Amid bribery allegations, the Prison warden didn’t refute or accept.

“If you are officiating on an empty stomach and you are given bread by either side, as a human being chances of taking the bread are high,” he said.

He claimed referees quarterly refresher tests and mid-season fitness tests haven’t been done and payments are not up to date. He also wants the referee selection panel re-instuted.

“We must have an independent committee run by competent ex-officials. They will make appointments, suspensions and demotions without fear of intimidation,” added Gikonyo.

Former Harambee stars striker and Mara Sugar technical director Boniface Ambani echoes Gikonyo’s sentiments

“Football officiating must be separated from politics. How do you have a referee officiating almost all home games for certain teams,” he quipped.

He alleged that financially stable teams are bribing referees to favour them.

However, he said not all are compromised. Some are top Fifa referees, led by Professor Peter Waweru, Gilbert Cheruiyot, Steven Yembe and Mary Njoroge.

They have graced AFCON and the World Cup. He alleged that some found the going rough after raising the red flag over mismanagement. He is afraid Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda may soon beat Kenya due to robust investment in their whistleblowers.