Leader Indiza looks to end Safari Tour Season Six on a high

Indiza signed off the penultimate Muthaiga leg of the Safari Tour with a three-under-par 287 after he tied for eighth with Railway’s Samuel Njoroge.

In Summary

•The Mumias long-hitting pro is also optimistic of more tournament cuts for locals come the DP World Tour’s Magical Kenya Open (MKO) event slated for Muthaiga from February 22-25.

•This year’s event will count as the sixth DP World Tour (previously European Tour) event on Kenyan soil following MKO editions in 2019

Dismas Indiza during a past tournament
Dismas Indiza during a past tournament

Dismas Indiza remains hopeful he can finish the 2023-24 Safari Tour Season Six on a high after stretching his Order of Merit lead to the season-ending event in Karen.

The Mumias long-hitting pro is also optimistic of more tournament cuts for locals come the DP World Tour’s Magical Kenya Open (MKO) event slated for Muthaiga from February 22-25.

Only six Kenyans—Jastas Madoya, Simon Ngige, Mutahi Kibugu, Njoroge Kibugu and Samuel Njoroge— have made it to the money bracket since Kenya gained European Tour status in 2019.

This year’s event will count as the sixth DP World Tour (previously European Tour) event on Kenyan soil following MKO editions in 2019, 2021, 2022 and 2023 as well as the Savannah Classic in 2021.

“There is a real sense of determination for the locals given the status of the iconic Kenya Open and I’m optimistic that the eight pro that will carry the country’s flag will click, hence more slots in the money bracket. Kenyans are now more experienced since the European Tour status arrived in Kenya in 2019,” said Indiza.

Indiza signed off the penultimate Muthaiga leg of the Safari Tour with a three-under-par 287 after he tied for eighth with Railway’s Samuel Njoroge.

“Hopefully, I can just carry my expectations through to the Safari Tour leg in Karen and have a strong finish to the season before the MKO,” said Indiza.

Indiza has not made the MKO cut since the arrival of European Tour status in Kenya but is determined to break the jinx at Muthaiga later this month.

Indiza, who strolled to victory with a record seventh title at last year’s Uganda Open Championship (the first round of the 2023-24 Safari Tour) has not relented on his money bracket bid in Kenya’s premier golfing extravaganza.

As if to attest to his appetite for championship points, Indiza has led the 2023-24 Safari Tour from the start in Uganda to the season-closing event in Karen.

After winning in Uganda, Indiza tied for second in the Vet Lab leg, claimed a T4 in Sigona, won in Limuru and tied for eighth in Muthaiga.

Meanwhile, Indiza hopes to hit good drives and iron shots in Karen, to keep it on the fairways.  He’ll desperately be searching for that elusive money bracket slot when the crème de la crème converges in Karen. 

Indiza has clung onto the 2023-24 Safari Tour order of merit summit since the season’s onset in Uganda. He currently tops the log with 244.5 points against Railways’ Samuel Njoroge:s 211.0.

Muthaiga’s Greg Snow is lying third on the log with 189.3 points ahead of Mombasa pro-Daniel Nduva with 160.